You're going to find your space gets used up very quickly so plan your site cleverly. Build a large shed for the things you know you need to store, perhaps with a loft, then maybe wait before you put up smaller sheds.
Our smallholding was open fields when we arrived, with the house, one fence and a barn which was the old farmhouse. I decided the size of veg garden I wanted and exactly where it was to be, then a new neighbour's son turned up to show off his new plough. 'I'll plough your new garden for you', he said, so we wandered off for a cuppa and came back a short while later to find the lad had ploughed up a whole acre and was still going strong

. I couldn't crop a whole acre so we ended up with weeds seeding themselves and have a problem of couch grass, thistles and nettles to this day, 28 years later. The moral of that tale is to take things slowly and for the veg garden make sure you can plant every bit you dig (or no-dig).
You will find that with use you may want to change the layout of your land so concentrate on the house and shed first before allocating other areas. Steph Hen has covered the bits about noting aspect, soil, local climate etc which is essential when choosing the sites for each feature you need.
Have fun building the house and designing the garden