Hi, hope I've posted this in the right section! We've come across a bit of a problem that I'm hoping some legal eagle may be able to help with! We bought our smallholding 3 years ago and it came with mains and private water supply. Both the meter and the well are on land that the previous owner retained. There was a pipe that joined both supplies with a diverter running down to the house. Shortly after we moved in we discovered we had a major leak somewhere in the 400m of pipework! Cut a long story short, we eventually got permission from the owner to relay a new pipe for the mains (as that was the priority for getting good pressure to our boiler) and just left the original pipework in the ground, albeit disconnected from the well. The land was subsequently sold and the new owners of the land are now saying we can't reconnect to the well as the well connection isnt shown on the land registry, just the mains (but we laid the new pipe virtually side by side with the old pipe) and legally this would constitute a new right and connection! We have an easement in place over the land and this just says "for the flow of water". Any idea where we could find out the "ownership" or rights for the well as its served our house as the only water supply for 450 years! Tia.