Author Topic: pig problems  (Read 7458 times)

chicken chaser

  • Joined Oct 2008
pig problems
« on: October 26, 2008, 06:08:44 pm »
Hi there, I am looking to get a couple of pigs but I have a few problems ??? . Dad is adament that DEFRA will be checking up on every move I make, from housing to poo disposal (and everything inbetween). Mom says they will smell to high heaven, I do agree they will smell but not that much (considering I only want 2 Tamworths to breed from). :pig: :pig:

Does anyone have any suggestions as to whether the above is true.

Thanks  :pig: :chook:
« Last Edit: October 26, 2008, 06:26:52 pm by chicken chaser »

garden cottage

  • Joined Sep 2008
  • forest of dean
Re: pig problems
« Reply #1 on: October 26, 2008, 06:54:42 pm »
the first thing im gonna say is pigs dont smell,actually their very clean animals,also keep the ark clean and never mess in it,however pig pooo does smell and will only give you problems with immeadiate neighbours,in a built up area.   DEFRA  if you raise the correct paperwork and record movements etc you are unlikely ever to see defra other than the odd phone call just to see how you are running your livestock. If you ring defra they will set up all of it over the phone incuding your CPH number and all the paperwork that goes with it.............................good luck dont give up pigs are great ,think you might hear from kate shortly!!................................neil


  • Joined Sep 2008
Re: pig problems
« Reply #2 on: October 26, 2008, 07:15:13 pm »
A lot depends on where and how you intend to keep your pigs. If they have plenty of space and are not kept too intensively on the same area then there should be no problems with smell or poo disposal as their waste will naturally break down in the soil. If , on the other hand , you will keep them confined in a small area , then waste can quickly build up and become a problem. Also , you mention that you intend to breed your Tamworths, which means you may go from two pigs to a dozen or more with the first litter.You'll require a lot more space for the growing family. Just a thought.You should also consider moving your pigs to fresh land within 12 months to avoid a potential build up of parasites.

chicken chaser

  • Joined Oct 2008
Re: pig problems
« Reply #3 on: October 26, 2008, 11:23:35 pm »
Thanks for the replies. I already have a DEFRA holding number, and we have over 40 acres of land (mom uses alot for the livery yard). I have started to convert the 25ft x 10ft green house (breeze block wall and a decent frame already stands so a few modifications) I plan to concrete the floor to make it easy to clean and hose down, attached will be a pen with a concrete floor, then off of that there is an area the same size that runs parralell which i plan to let them have the run of and there is also a 1/4 acre near the barn and close to the proposed house that i will be fencing in. I think thats enough space for them. I plan to breed and sell most of the litter and keep 1 or 2 back for meat (depending on if I can find enough people to eat them)

Thanks Mark  :pig: :chook:


  • Joined Oct 2007
Re: pig problems
« Reply #4 on: October 27, 2008, 07:38:46 am »
The pig poo composts down.

Particularly tamworths the more space you can give them the better.  Digging is the tamworth raison d'etre.  Make sure they have plenty of space for digging.

Have fun


  • Guest
Re: pig problems
« Reply #5 on: October 27, 2008, 06:17:55 pm »
Like everyone else I think pigs are great fun to keep and really rewarding - well done for taking the plunge, you'll not regret it.
One point on your concrete floor is to put in small ridges in the surface so the pigs won't slip if it's wet and if you have it running down slightly towards a drain it'll make having a good wash and scrub out much easier.
Let us know how things are progressing,
Karen x  :pig:


  • Joined Oct 2007
  • Barry, Angus, Scotland
    • The Accidental Smallholder
Re: pig problems
« Reply #6 on: October 27, 2008, 08:47:51 pm »
Youn won't have any bother getting people to eat them.


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