I would never have thought about moving the boundary by replacing the fence from the other side of it, thus gaining another metre along the whole length. Not me. Nooooo way.
But seriously, I did wonder about arranging between us to have an electric line run the length of the existing fence, but 1 or 2m in from it. It would allow me to make essential repairs without being quite so disturbed. The line along the fence is as stoney, rutted, and muddy as you'd expect.
Interestingly, the cows were moved into the field this week, but they've only ever been here during late spring thru early autumn in previous years. I need to give the farmer a call: I owe him a bottle of something anyway.
I have a different issue on the other side of my field: the drainage ditch has never been maintained and is silted up in several places causing my field to become waterlogged when the rain is heaviest. It's not been an issue until now, but now that I'm looking at properly utilising my land I could do without the hassle. The ideal solution is for the fence to be moved to the other side of the ditch so it becomes my responsibility, but it's part of a very old estate, and as anybody who's ever tried to negotiate with an estate or big farm will know, sensible changes aren't often acceptable if they require even a tiny bit of land to change hands - no matter how unproductive or abandoned it is. In that instance all I would actually gain is the responsibility - and the acreage they would lose is a 1.5m deep ditch that isn't draining their own abandoned grant-paid planting. But I digress...