Hi [member=197882]GBov[/member] , thank you for taking the time to write such a detailed response - it's much appreciated, and the information has been noted.
IME, the best response to "OMG how could you EAT a cute {sheep / lamb / duck / rabbit}" is "is this a rhetorical question, or are you looking for recipe ideas?" 
:roflanim:Very funny!
I did an earth-based colony once, it worked for about 6 months but the problems mounted up, and then a combo of my falling hip-deep into a tunnel - they had managed to dig under a 4 ft deep fence - and rats starting to kill all the new litters finished it.
Cages might not be good to look at but rabbits do well in them, are happy in them, breed well in them, and can be kept safe from rats in them.
Hate not the cage, it is the rabbits' friend!