I spoke to a couple of folk around here who are well connected in the shooting and farming communities, and the word is that infected rabbits had been transported from Wales and released in several parts of Scotland to cull the wild population. I can't confirm that, and it's unlikely to be proven on the basis that it is such reckless action (legal or otherwise) that I doubt anybody would be stupid enough to own up - though apparently stupid enough to introduce a deadly virus into an uncontrolled wild population. Have humans learned nothing?
We started by seeing dead birds showing almost no sign of any cause of death, and the carcasses were being left by scavengers & predators alike. The local vets had issued a warning about this as they had started to see worrying signs of it being passed to dogs, and then we understood how our puppy was finding such large numbers of dead rabbits to bring into the house.
It's a shame that you've suffered at the hands of this virus, but hopefully you're on top of it now.