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Author Topic: How much to charge rent?  (Read 6129 times)


  • Joined Sep 2019
How much to charge rent?
« on: April 15, 2020, 12:51:11 pm »
Hi All,

We recently bought a house with a 3 acre paddock, we've already converted our old garden shed into a chicken coop with 6 POL chickens that are just coming into lay and we are hoping to do a decent sized no dig veg bed and maybe some pigs and an orchard over the next few years.

We have been approached be a lady who used to rent the paddock to put her horse in during the day as she'd like to rent half of it from us. Can anyone suggest what would be a fair price for this? The horse will be stabled at the local farm and put out to the paddock daily with access to a water trough.

Thanks in advace


  • Joined Feb 2012
Re: How much to charge rent?
« Reply #1 on: April 15, 2020, 01:12:14 pm »
Grass livery is about £20 a week I think for 24/7 turnout but you should check local prices. Have you thought about who would be responsible for fixing the fence for example should the horse break it? Have you got insurance if for example the horse injured itself and you were deemed responsible?


  • Joined Feb 2017
  • Carmarthenshire
Re: How much to charge rent?
« Reply #2 on: April 15, 2020, 01:14:09 pm »
I would ask her what she used to pay the person who owned the field before.

A lot will depend on your area and availiability of grazing. DIY livery in my area is around £100 a month, which you have a field, stable and use of facilities, electricity and water. I think I would ask £50 a month for it, bearing in mind the person will also be paying the farm for the use of the stable.


  • Joined Dec 2009
  • St Boswells, Scottish Borders
Re: How much to charge rent?
« Reply #3 on: April 15, 2020, 09:03:00 pm »
I would draw up a contract for renting based on 364days of the year - as in not a full year, otherwise you may end up with the horse on there forever, and you may want to use the paddock yourself at some point for livestock, which may not be possible with a horse on it already. And as other have said .- include in the contract repairs and maintenance costs (a horse out in winter can totally destroy the paddock depending on the type of soil, type of horse and the weather of course), who mows/tops the field, poo-picking etc etc.

TBH - sheep would take better care of the field... but then I am not a horsey person.


  • Joined Sep 2019
Re: How much to charge rent?
« Reply #4 on: May 03, 2020, 07:40:29 pm »
Hi All,

Thanks for all the replies, they were useful and I think we've managed to strike a good deal. The lady is also renting another field from the farmer so she is going to use the fields month about to rest the opposite one, she's paying us £70 a month regardless if she's using it or not and she is going to keep the grass topped and harrowed across the whole field not just the paddock she is renting. It's a bit of extra cash and means we don't have to worry about the grass this year so it's win win, it was good to see the horses out in the field this weekend.

Thanks again



  • Joined Nov 2015
  • Kernow: where 2nd-home owners rule !
Re: How much to charge rent?
« Reply #5 on: May 03, 2020, 08:16:17 pm »
It does indeed sound like a good deal for you.


  • Joined Nov 2008
Re: How much to charge rent?
« Reply #6 on: May 03, 2020, 09:24:31 pm »
Check that she has insurance. If the horse gets out onto a road you might end up with a bill as it is your fencing and land . it is a common problem.


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