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Author Topic: Nigerian Dwarfs and lots of rain  (Read 2240 times)


  • Joined Nov 2019
Nigerian Dwarfs and lots of rain
« on: November 27, 2019, 04:09:49 pm »
Dear all, we finally got us some land and I am planning which animals to get! I have read lots about goats and I thought the best for us would be Nigerian Dwarf. Reason being its size, her milk ( looking forward to make cheese!) and their nature. However, it is not being easy to find Nigerian Dwarf. Any idea where can I get Nigerian Dwarf hopefully close to Scotland?

I am not in any rush at all as we just move to our new land and we are busy deciding how to improve the land, build fences etc. But, it will happen in the next 6 months.

Failing to find a N.D., does anybody recommend another breed that is similar to N.D.? I was looking if there are minis here  but couldn't find it either. I love the pygmy but they are not for milk but rather for pets? Thinking to have a couple of pygmy too but ...I would really like to have a little milk producer.

Finally i am concerned about the weather. I live in Scotland, West Lothian. It rains quite a bit here and I read that goats "hate" to be wet. I am just imagining the poor goats being in their home all the time. Do they cope ok with a bit of rain? Anybody has goats successfully here? I was even thinking to build like a "roof" over a play area for them so they don't need to be in their house so often. Not idea yet how to do the roof, need to look into this. Anybody has any advice of how to improve the life of the goats if I live in a place that rains quite a bit?

Thanks so much in advance,


  • Joined Dec 2009
  • St Boswells, Scottish Borders
Re: Nigerian Dwarfs and lots of rain
« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2019, 10:02:37 am »
No registered Nigerian Dwarf goats in the UK, though there are people telling you otherwise. Have a look at the British Goat Society's website for breeds suitable for dairying - I would recommend Golden Guernseys but I am biased. Before you get animals the best thing is to go and see other goatkeepers' set up - goats not only need good fences, they are also most likely housed through the winter - so a well ventilated goat house (preferably with power to allow you to milk by machine and have lights etc, plus a water tap in there as well) is a must. Goats are quite happy in cosy autumn/winter housing, as long as it is dry and well ventilated they are happy. Mine don't do snow either, but others go out in it.

There are also quite a few goatkeepers in the central belt.

I also recommend David Mackenzies - Goat husbandry (the version revised by Rurth Godwin) for new goatkeepers to read, though some of the veterinary info is now a bit outdated, and the chapter on nutrition is somewhat complicated.


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