Gotta call it something...! had 3 sheets of filo left so:
Diced up some spring onion, shredded and shortened some cabbage strips and finely chopped 1/3 jalopeno. Tossed that in a small fry pan and stir-fried it - put to one side to cool and added some very small pieces of diced salami and camambert.. mix it up.
Take a filo sheet chuck some mix across one corner.. roll towards the other corner and just after half way fold the side points across, finish the rolling and a little melted butter/spread or even just milk to stick the end down.. shallow fry (or deep fry if you have the kit and like the mess cleaning up)
I've just shoved three down with a side salad of toms, pepper, cucumber and more spring onion (all home produce of course)...