I cannot, actually, recall seeing honey bees on my land in the past 4 years despite the increasing clover cover. Any local bees will obviously have been visiting/checking-out, but not noticeably so by me – until now!
It was nice calm sunny day: I had been working in the fields and returned to my storage area to find a dozen or so dark honey bees checking out the interior of one of my ISOs.
I made a rapid retreat to work out what I was going to do next. Then it dawned on me what was going on: this was a swarm’s scouting party. Oh dear!
I closed in and closed up the ISO with a few bees still inside. (Sorry little bees!) And I went home.
I am please to say the few trapped bees Houdinied their way out of the ISO through the very small ventilation holes. Also pleased that the swarm did not decide to take up residence in my storage container/s (which would be very difficult to live with).
However, over this past w/end, it became clear that the bees have found somewhere else reasonably close-by to establish their new nest. During my work-party's Sunday brunch, several bees appeared quite suddenly to check out our camping area. They have, I deduce, established their new nest reasonably close by. These camp-site visitors had very full pollen pouches already. They are seemingly "sorted".