I reckon [member=168790]bj_cardiff[/member] that you are out of touch - cross-breeds are no longer accidental "mongrels" one might pick up for a few quid: they are too often intentional to gain some easy pocket-money and have new names with a price tag to go with. My 2yr old is a jackapoopoochorky !

(I'll let you work it out on your own

- yeah, he's a mongrel - I just happen to know his lineage as he came from a friend and
a very modest sum was exchanged to cover vet costs etc.)
He looks like Hairy Maclary and I'd probably be making considerable £s from the off-spring of a well-chosen mating, but I decided to have him neutered despite. (We are repeatedly stopped so that kiddies can say hello to "H Maclary" in the flesh !!)
My other little monkey is a Papillon and I cannot sign-off on this post without saying how pleased I was to see the Pap win at this year's Crufts. But not just because he was a Pap: he really did ooze Pap character (perky and so interested in everything going on) even after long-day show conditions - a very well deserved win! They are brilliant little dogs and very clever !! They are also tougher than they look!