Hey everyone. I've been lurking for a while now, searching the extremely useful sheep forum and discovering I probably don't have the right temperament for sheep.
My name's Vicky, and I'm an accidental shepherdess. Or something.
Long story short: about a year ago, I was visiting a friend and we went to say hi to the sheep farmer who owns the land my friend lives on. He told us all about his lambing season so far, then produced a little cutie with a wonky leg. "I'll have to knock this little fella on the head if I can't straighten him out," says he.
"NOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooo!" says I.
And so we had a lamb. Eric the Wonky Lamb.
We have just under two acres and made a little paddock. Too small really, but I run a business from home and let them out regularly.
Of course we couldn't just have one lamb, so we adopted a little bottle-fed orphan called Tigger.
Then I sent Eric to a farm animal rescue sanctuary because I just didn't know enough about sheep in general, let alone wonky ones, to look after him. Then Tigger was alone. So I had to get Bronson to keep her company.
Tigger was a small breed, Bronson is a Jassant (Ouessant x Jacob) so he's dinky.
Tigger got sick in May and died. I took her to the vet, and the vet said there was nothing to do but put her down. So I did and was heartbroken.
Bronson cried for two days, and so did I (my husband was away for the week – fantastic timing). So I got him two friends – two little Ouessant wethers (Picard and Kernic).
I've had a hugely steep learning curve, and feel like a prize idiot. I feel like I'm doing everything wrong – we vaccinated them all for the first time on Saturday, which went fine.
Since then, they've been grand.
Today, they've been behaving oddly. Subdued, rubbing against walls, standing looking a bit sad. Stamping and twitching.
At first I thought flystrike, although it's early – it's been super warm the past couple of weeks. T-shirt warm.
But I've checked two of them thoroughly and cannot see any signs. No signs of footrot.
So I'm panicking. And feeling guilty and like I should not be keeping sheep.
Apologies for the long post – this is an introduction and a "help please"...