Did you mean to type months or years in your post above? 9 year old spays???
Yes, 9 years. I never had Dot spayed when I was up north. She was a working collie on a hill farm and it never seemed to be a problem. We mostly had bitches, and the one male collie was neutered. They lived outside in a stable, and I could never see how I could keep her still and clean enough to recover from the op, so I never got it done.
Then I was going to be moving down south, to a community with more dogs, including a couple of entire males, so I asked about it. Ironically my first pad here had steps up to it, so I delayed again. Finally I have a setup where I can keep her calm and level, but then last summer she developed lumps in her one mammary, so she had them removed. They did turn out to be carcinoma, a nasty one, but they did get it all.

The vet had preferred to do one procedure at a time, so now we are waiting for an opportune moment between seasons. She’s not regular, which doesn’t help

. I had her booked in in November, but she had some swelling due to a kind of false pregnancy, so we waited. I booked her in again in January, but they were still not happy, so we gave her hormones. That worked, and she was booked in again, but now we were going to be doing the op seven weeks before the six month anniversary of her last season, so cutting it a bit fine. We had one twenty four hour period in North Cornwall when a massive (for us - 4-5”) snowfall caused major travel disruption. I bet you can guess which day that was.

. So now it will have to be three months after her next season
