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Author Topic: Balwin sheep  (Read 2690 times)

jacob and Georgina

  • Joined May 2010
Balwin sheep
« on: September 13, 2010, 06:25:51 pm »
Hi when we move to some more land we are looking to buy some Balwen sheep because they are at risk on the rare breeds list and we also really like how unusual looking they are. We just wanted to know if anyone has them and what there experiences are with this breed. And secondly we have only found one place in Devon that breeds them does anyone know of anywhere else in Devon where they might be available.  :sheep:


  • Joined Feb 2010
Re: Balwin sheep
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2010, 10:40:30 am »
I bought a small flock of 12 for the place I work as they wanted some rare breed sheep, and they were keen on aesthetics! However, they are a difficult breed to manage day to day (well thats what I find!)
They jump stock fencing, mains electric does not bother them, and they like to roam as far away from where they are supposed to be as possible! They dont tend to bunch as a flock when getting them in for any work they need, dont respond to bucket training, and very difficult to check daily for things like strike with the black fleece.
The lambs are fairly slow growing so really only ready to slaughter as hogget, and ewe lambs not ready for the ram as shearlings.
I can see why they are on the at risk register........ if you like hard work then great, if you want the easy life get a different breed!


  • Guest
Re: Balwin sheep
« Reply #2 on: September 19, 2010, 10:49:27 am »
Now tell us what you really think!

I was just watching some of my sheep eating their muesli as part of the bucket training when I noticed one was leaning against the electric fence rope.  Thinking it might be off I checked the voltage - 6.3kv - when there was a satisfying ZAP and he shot into the air.  Clearly the wool is an excellent insulator up to a point...


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