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Author Topic: Holiday recommendations please  (Read 3367 times)


  • Joined Jul 2012
  • Staffordshire
Holiday recommendations please
« on: December 31, 2016, 06:31:30 pm »
As in title, looking for family friendly holiday for this summer.
Wanting to go abroad this time, either all inclusive or villa with pool. Somewhere hot  :sunshine:

Anyone recommend countries, hotels etc

Kids keen on Italy but anywhere considered


  • Joined Nov 2013
  • Cambridgeshire
Re: Holiday recommendations please
« Reply #1 on: December 31, 2016, 06:47:30 pm »
We've got a villa on Crete 5 mins walk from the sea own private pool. Only let to family and friends but that stretches to people we know and trust. PM me if you would like details. Sleeps up to 6. Village is called Almerida which has a lovely sandy beach.


  • Joined Jan 2013
  • jämtland
Re: Holiday recommendations please
« Reply #2 on: January 01, 2017, 12:17:33 am »
I was going to invite you to Sweden until I read you wanted the heat :sunshine:


  • Joined Jul 2011
Re: Holiday recommendations please
« Reply #3 on: January 01, 2017, 09:22:08 am »
Jamaica  Negril beachside


  • Joined Jul 2012
  • Staffordshire
Re: Holiday recommendations please
« Reply #4 on: January 01, 2017, 09:40:59 am »
Thanks guys, it's so difficult to get away and we only usually manage one week a year. Love it in Devon/Dorset but you can't rely on the weather in our wonderful country and when I'm busy lambing and cold/exhausted the thought of a week in the sun somewhere is like my reward.
Have to work round pony club camp, School, haymaking, milking, lambing and make sure sheep are on good grazing with good fences etc etc

Booking a holiday is not straightforward here! (As most of you will understand)


  • Joined Jul 2011
Re: Holiday recommendations please
« Reply #5 on: January 01, 2017, 12:32:28 pm »
The trouble with school holiday restrictions is prices. Jamaica is my fav destination and negril beach is oen of the best around. Very safe from the beach/sea viewpoint.. hardly a ripple unless it's foul weather and the  bttom drops away gently and all white sand. Jerked pork and breadfruit, papaya, naseberries, curried goat with rice and peas, saltfish and ackee, johnny cakes, fried plantain,  superb rum and snack time patties. You'ld lose a lot in a all-inclusive. For young kids it's very very safe (jamaicans like kids and every hotel has their own beach security guys looking out for them) but difficult teenagers obviously can get into mischief.

If you do go then there are superb places to go see rather than the set tours. The luminous lagoon/crsytalwaters/roses by the sea - they keep changing the name - is one of few lagooons in the world with luminescent orgnisms. Most active after a short period of rain. If you do go on a trip there (s couple of hours from negril) then don't just take a boat ride on it... get the guy to stop and let you all swim. It's shallow and if you swim at night just above the silt bottom your hands stir up the organisms and you have trails of phosphorescent light around your hands and feet brght enough to see.


  • Joined Jul 2016
Re: Holiday recommendations please
« Reply #6 on: January 03, 2017, 10:49:08 am »
I got married in 2016 and went to maui. I would recommend there although it is pricey and the plane ride takes hours


  • Joined Dec 2010
  • Talley, Carmarthenshire
Re: Holiday recommendations please
« Reply #7 on: January 03, 2017, 11:57:33 am »
-)Not sure that I would recommend Jamaica. The beached was fenced with wire about 10ft high and security guards with guns patrolled the beach to keep the tourists safe.

I didn't feel comfortable at all

Weather was good though :-)
Life is like a bowl of cherries, mostly yummy but some dodgy bits


  • Joined Jul 2011
Re: Holiday recommendations please
« Reply #8 on: January 03, 2017, 01:59:08 pm »
-)Not sure that I would recommend Jamaica. The beached was fenced with wire about 10ft high and security guards with guns patrolled the beach to keep the tourists safe.

I didn't feel comfortable at all

Weather was good though :-)

Good grief! Total misunderstading. The security is there to stop pilfering from hotel rooms and for those guests who can;t cope with a bit of hustle and vecause the biggest client vase is Americans used to living in gated communities 'cso the US is so mucking dangerous, And to keep the guests in to sell hotel extras and avid the hassle of the idiot who goes out dripping jewelry and cameras and wonders why he gets mugged. There are soem horrid all-inclusives.. like the one past Falmouth on the Pacific coast or the one past Lucea (pronounced Lucy) which they shipped in the sand to make the beachm the sea isn;t shltere and it's stuck in the middle of nowhere with hundreds of rooms and swarming in identical tourists.

I've been to jamaica more times than i recall.. well over a dozen, perhaps more than 20. My wife went with daughter and granddaughter last year and said how sadly they have sanitised the place compard to when we first went.. it's lost a lot of character and a lot of the beach sellers have been moved on and all the beacj animals slaightered (dogs, cats, goats etc).

She said she still felt as safe as before.. and lots safer than walking around London.

Our first trip early 90's and Mo'bay airport was teeming with hustlers, independant taxism guys hawking everything from snacks to drugs. The roads were all pot-holes and slow driving. We were ona  cheap last minute deal and staying at a small hotel. When we got there the kitcen was closed so with some trepidation (having heard all the stories of crime) we went out to find food. The only place open and walkable was a really rough looking locals dive. I sat ina corner so I wouldn't have to watch my back. A coupe fo guys came up and sat down. They were lovely. They were so pleased to see tourists come out of the hotel and kept telling us how mucg they appreciated it. that their live;ohood depended ona  bit of hustle, that it woudn't be good business to hurt a tourist  and offered to do driving, gophering or show us around - and would we please tell the other guests they had nothign to worry about.

Yes, there is crime.. mostly corrupt politics and police (I got stopped for speeding once and they were more interested in a bribe than a ticket and ended up with neither when I insisted on seeing a magistrate to discuss that - but that is a dodgy thing to risk). The other crime is when one gang treads on anothers territory. But tourists are a darn sight safer than say Mexico and most other exotic locations. Again it;s not good for business.

Since then I've been back loads.. often hiring a car and just driving around the island and finding somewhere to stay at night. Hygeine is excellent - you can eat in any shack.  You see how geuinely folk live in poverty and why they hustle. I used to carry a few one-USdollar notes about and gave away 5-10 a day to such folk.. they need it. But if you said no they left you alone.

It's a beautiful island. It's less fun now the pot-holes are fixed and it's being sanistised for the tourists. Negril beach isn't fenced. Better still the local rules forbid hotels higher than the palm trees. Which means the new 'Negril' big complexes are at the end of true Negril and fenced and large and not my sort of place at all. Take a trip to a genuine beachside hotel. If you like it 'average' then Travellers Hotel is fine. If you want it fancy then, say, Negril Gardens. If you are like me then Rainbow Arch - it has 6 rooms, basic, clean when you get it but you might need to borrow the broom if staying more than a few days to give it a mid-time clean out. The owner does brekkie on the beach and it's 10 paces to the water. But the a/c works, the water's hot and no-one bothers you and there certainly isn't a disco and rowdy youngsters getting pissed on inclusive booze. Go to the supermarket and buy some red stripe and rum and stick it in your room or strll down the beach to a smarter place and eat/drink there.

One trip when we hired a car I managed to be stupid enough to lose the kesy from my trucks ito the ocean. We were ona bit of public beach in remote cove and it was a good walk to a place with a phone (days before everyone had a mobile). The hire place aplogised that it was going to take a couple of hours to get to us. It was sunset and we went back to wait by the car. Shortly folk started appearing out of the bush as word spread. They were friendlyn chattym we got a bonfire going wife had a few dry dollars so someone went off to find fruit and veg and by the time the car folk came by we had a party going.

I've literally driven all the way around the island as well as across it. There's stuff too far from the main tourist spots for the average tourist to see. I honestly say I never felt unsafe.

I'll try to load some pics later but upload speeds here are pants


  • Joined Jul 2011
Re: Holiday recommendations please
« Reply #9 on: January 03, 2017, 03:06:03 pm »
Negril beach - no fences


  • Joined Jul 2012
  • Staffordshire
Re: Holiday recommendations please
« Reply #10 on: January 03, 2017, 03:11:29 pm »
Looks gorgeous, but checked and it's over our budget I'm afraid :-(


  • Joined Jul 2011
Re: Holiday recommendations please
« Reply #11 on: January 03, 2017, 03:43:02 pm »
Looks gorgeous, but checked and it's over our budget I'm afraid :-(

..can get pricey for a large family. I used to go with last minute cheap flights and find my own accommodation once there (but you need to know some hotel names to lie to immigration about where you're staying) and then eat from cheap cafes.. proper food... in the days before my business really earned well: then we could indulge more.

Oh, and as for Bionic's comment about guards with guns.. never seen guns apart from some specially trained police and the occasional seargant and those you have to watch cos they're lousy shots and did once miss the target and kill a  tourist. Guards usually have batons and radios on their belts.. or just a stick. That's not to say the bad folk don't have guns.. they do when it comes to turf wars.


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