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Author Topic: Have manure, now what?  (Read 1962 times)


  • Joined Jan 2013
Have manure, now what?
« on: November 27, 2015, 09:25:26 pm »
I finally managed to get some horse manure from a local horsey place.  :excited: I have put 2 bags spread over 2 beds with leaves, and 2 directly into the compost heap which I turned and re-piled.  Going back tomorrow for more.

Itīs from about 8-10 inches of compacted deep bedding, so thereīs a high straw content.  Fairly dry, I think itīs been there a while.  The next batch looks newer and wetter.

There is some cardboard down where new beds will be dug in the spring, with some leaves and cut grass piled on top.  A good place for the next batch? Over or under whatīs there now? Or better in the compost pile and spread next spring.

Thank you!


  • Joined Jun 2013
  • South Wales .Carmarthenshire. SA18
Re: Have manure, now what?
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2015, 10:52:31 pm »
On this it's much a case of , " You pays yer money & makes yer choice .\2".

Using your method above  will like as not see you with a shed load of weeds for six or so years  ,  as the viable wed seeds in the horse muck & soild beddings start theire everal years of delayed germinations .

Stable /horse muck is usually full of viable weed seeds  not only from the horse muck as the digestion system is reasonable straight through ( unlike  ruminants where it gets well & truly digested ) .
You also have all manner of seeds coming out of the hay feed.
 If you can , try the  " Berkley 21 day hot composting method " to the letter with your hose muck  perhaps adding some wetted straw as a bulking agent .

 Runinant poop is good ,as their digestion system is much more complex.
So sheep . goat and cow don't have much weed seed content unless there is a lot of hay being fed and it gets trodden into the bedding .

 Bird poop is also a good addition to the well turned over compost heap .

 In truth making a good balance compost out of dungs and other mater is quite an art and well worth reading up a dozen of so different methods from places like the American university ectension colleges or our very own DEFRA type sources ( including the Royal Horticultural Society website ).

You'll normally get far too much witchcraft , hocuc pocus & 8o11ck5 from the majority individuals blog side
Strong belief , triggers the mind to find the way ... Dyslexia just makes it that bit more amusing & interesting


  • Joined Jan 2013
Re: Have manure, now what?
« Reply #2 on: November 29, 2015, 11:24:03 pm »
Thank you.  Iīll investigate the Berkley composting method.  There is quite a lot of straw in the mix.  Until I can get chickens organized, itīs my only source of manure, so Iīd like to take full advantage.


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