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Author Topic: Petition - Bees  (Read 5485 times)


  • Joined May 2013
Petition - Bees
« on: June 27, 2014, 05:51:24 pm »


  • Joined May 2010
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    • ScotHebs
Re: Petition - Bees
« Reply #1 on: June 27, 2014, 08:49:09 pm »

Thank you shygirl - all signed  :bee: :bee: :bee: :bee: :bee: :thumbsup:
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  • Joined Jul 2008
Re: Petition - Bees
« Reply #2 on: June 27, 2014, 10:34:57 pm »
You beat me to it ;D


  • Joined Dec 2012
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Re: Petition - Bees
« Reply #3 on: June 27, 2014, 10:35:48 pm »
Thanks for the reminder!
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  • Joined May 2010
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Re: Petition - Bees
« Reply #4 on: June 28, 2014, 08:53:00 am »

I'm just bumping this to the top.  The decision as to whether Syngenta gets their disgraceful exemption is to be taken this coming TUESDAY, so please get signing.

This is a bit more about it all:

The petition is growing fast, but mega pesticides company Syngenta are pushing hard for an exemption. Could you help to make this petition huge by asking your friends to sign up now? You can forward the email below.

If you use Twitter or Facebook, please share with your friends using these links:



Thanks again,

Robin, Susannah, Maddy and the 38 Degrees team


Dear friends,

Have a look at this:

Last year, the European Commission banned dangerous pesticides called neonicotinoids because they decimate bee populations. But unbelievably, mega pesticide company Syngenta has just asked the UK government for an exemption to the ban in the UK. They want to get neonicotinoids back on our fields.

David Cameron and his cabinet are meeting to decide whether to give Syngenta an exemption on Tuesday. So we need to make a huge fuss right now - David Cameron needs to know how unpopular it would be to put one company's profits above the health of our bees and our ecosystem.

Can you sign the petition too? Click here to add your name:
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  • Joined Apr 2013
Re: Petition - Bees
« Reply #5 on: June 28, 2014, 10:56:08 am »
Thanks - done that.  Those numbers are racking up fast.  Hope its successful.
If you cant beat 'em then at least bugger 'em about a bit.


  • Joined Jan 2014
Re: Petition - Bees
« Reply #6 on: June 28, 2014, 12:36:05 pm »
done numbers signed are 198806


  • Joined May 2013
Re: Petition - Bees
« Reply #7 on: June 28, 2014, 02:47:56 pm »
they hit 200,000!   woohoo


  • Joined Aug 2010
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Re: Petition - Bees
« Reply #8 on: June 28, 2014, 03:05:44 pm »
but if the owner of mega chemical company either went to school with the PM or offers enough financial backing for the next election, they'll still be allowed to manufacture their crap here as the politicians couldn't give a ....

hmm i better self moderate and stop there!!!


  • Joined May 2010
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    • ScotHebs
Re: Petition - Bees
« Reply #9 on: June 28, 2014, 03:32:34 pm »

But what you're saying is unfortunately true  :'(   All the more reason then for everyone on TAS to sign the petition, and spread it around the social media too.  For the twitter and facebook links to work you have to go to the original link for them - they didn't come through with my cut n paste.   I don't do those twitter-type things, so can't help there.
Imagine if we got 2 million votes  8).  It's great that it's got to 200,000  :trophy: but I expect it needs a whole load more to catch the Gov's attention  :(
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  • Joined Jun 2013
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Re: Petition - Bees
« Reply #10 on: July 01, 2014, 01:18:44 am »
These type of  petition whilst laudable is not quite the actual truth picture of big pharma & nicotinoids , GM crops etc. .
 I decided to find out more and so ...
 Two weeks ago I was in deep conversation with the leading lights of the Welsh beekeepers association when they were at the Carmarthenshire agricultural show in Pembury country park .

 Evidently the nicotinoid problem is mainly American . They are sowing treaded seed in hot dry conditions instead of damp ones as the product usage sheets require .  this causes the seed dressings to become airborne inn the resultant dusts and any light winds .
Their prairie farming ways sees hundreds of thousands if acres / hectares of land with a single crop on it that often needs pollenating at a specific time .
they also practice " prairie farming " of mono crops on an industrial scale this does not suit the bees as they need something like 15 different foods every day coming into the hive for the hive / colony to survive. The mono crop in such a large area fails to provide these essential needs , so the colony weakens and suddenly collapses through diseased weakened half starved over worked bees ., add in Varroa and disaster is always a hairs breadth away .

 Science and results are starting to disprove many of these anti big company petitions . The likes of PEW & green peace to mention just tow are seeing their vast charitable incomes diminish very quick as more & more folk start to see that the use of things like nicotinoids only kill the pests aligned to the treaded plant if it is used correctly , this saves millions of tonnes of pesticides being used , hundreds and thousands of gallons of fuel being burnt ,  it also is starting to show that nicotinoid treated plants are actually encouraging the increase in numbers of non harmful insects to that crop thus feeding birds and other creatures in which they are part of the food cycle . 

The WBKA guys said that the UK beekeeping is definitely on the up , that the slight  planet alignments of 21 12 2012 may have made slight changes to the earths magnetic balance and this may also have caused colony deaths .

On th GM front ...
Well over 12  billion meals with some amount of GM content have been eaten over the last 40 years .  I'm reliably informed that no one has been know to die of eating it , no diseases can be found to be caused by eating it . The world wide financial and labour saving in fuel and pesticides is phenomenal.

 13 people died eating e Coli infected organic bean sprouts in Germany two years or so ago and many many hundreds of thousands of vegies & vegans suffer all manner of illnesses or die from diseases caused by them eating their veggie /vegan diets. 

 PEW & Greenpeace are changing their tunes to try and keep their income streams coming in  because no income means they lose their well paid non jobs and status . Judging by their published financial accounts things are not so good as they were a few years ago and recovery to the high income levels they have enjoyed is getting harder & harder to return to .
Strong belief , triggers the mind to find the way ... Dyslexia just makes it that bit more amusing & interesting


  • Joined May 2010
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Re: Petition - Bees
« Reply #11 on: July 02, 2014, 11:45:57 am »
Cynicism towards both sides of the debate has to be good.

Lets not forget though how the neonicotinoids are used.  The seed is bought already coated with the chemical.  This means that every plant is treated whether it needs it or not - there is blanket coverage, whereas with some other chemicals they are used as and when necessary.  I'm not supporting chemical use of any kind, although I realise that in many situations they are the only answer.  As a world, we need to take the utmost care that any of the man-made products we happily splash around the place are the least harmful to the environment worldwide as possible.

It's not only bees and other pollinators which are affected by systemic pest controls such as the neonicotinoids.  By their nature, they become a part of every plant, throughout its tissues.  Any insect, any invertebrate which eats the plants will themselves be filled with the poison - that's what it's for of course. These mini-fauna are food for birds and small mammals, so before long at all the stuff is found throughout the food chain.  Remember DDT, which was thought to be the answer to all our woes but had a devastating effect throughout the world's ecosystems?
The chemical will also be present in the ground, via the seed and roots of the plants, so do we know just what effects this has on life in the soil?  Soil isn't a dead substance, but a living system which allows and supports the growth of all plants.  Do we know the effect on our water courses?  It has already been found that the oestrogens from the urine of women on the Pill has had an effect on the fertility of fish - who would have expected that?

Of course it doesn't stop with animals and birds - we, humans, use the oil made from crops such as oilseed rape, so we are ingesting the pesticide directly, incorporated into many of the foods we buy, as well as the basic cooking oils.  Remember the organophosphates which have caused many human problems including severe depression leading to suicides?

The ban on the use of neonicotinoids comes from the European Union, so any attempt by the Tory Government and Syngenta to override this will mean they have to appear before the European courts.  If the decision, against reason, goes in favour of Syngenta, we will still have the right to appeal to Europe.

« Last Edit: July 02, 2014, 12:01:09 pm by Fleecewife »
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  • Joined Oct 2009
« Reply #12 on: July 02, 2014, 08:37:54 pm »
Oooo crickey ' reliably informed' by who mate Mr Monsanto ?
12 billion meals eaten over 40 years , and not 1 died due to gmo ?
Which study ?  , carried out by who ? , carried out when ? , and funded by who ?
12 billion meals = how many millions of people ?
Of those that obviously must have died ,  what did they die of ? What was the cause of the illness ? Would such a test ever have been carried out ? If yes where is it ?
13 died of ecoli infected organic bean sprouts in Germany 2 years ago , ok 5,000 died of anti biotic resistant ecoli last year in the uk , so they said on the radio today !
GM cotton in India , have a look at some of the info on that .
Roundup in India , have a look at the info on that too .
There is a lot of info out there that is not funded by Monsanto or Syngenta , nearly all of it contrary to that given by 2 of the most corrupt companies on the planet .
Thousands of veggies and vegans died due to their diet ? Again which study provides that info , and on the other hand how many meat eaters died due to their diet ?
Hardly any autopsies are carried out these days so how could anyone know  whether a veggie or vegan died specifically due to their diet ?
I have looked at these subjects too mate , and i have not seen one independant  study that proves 'no' connection with gm food and cancer etc .


  • Joined Jun 2013
  • South Wales .Carmarthenshire. SA18
Re: Petition - Bees
« Reply #13 on: July 02, 2014, 11:05:46 pm »
I'll get back ton your Rusty in a few days time calender is very full for the next few days

 I like your stance but is appears to only be a onesided thing.  try looking at it from the other view and question each sides input to the N th degree , every time you find a  answer question that as well and it will soon be come apparent where the real science and facts lie and it ain't with the antis side of things as the vast majority of it is anti big company eco faith based tosh , very little of which has any real scientific basis ,which is a non sequeter in the first place .
Strong belief , triggers the mind to find the way ... Dyslexia just makes it that bit more amusing & interesting


  • Joined May 2010
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Re: Petition - Bees
« Reply #14 on: July 04, 2014, 03:01:23 pm »
From 38degrees:

Wonderful news, we’ve protected our bees! Yesterday Syngenta withdrew their controversial application to allow their banned bee-killer pesticides back on UK fields. [1]

Owen Paterson, the environment minister, sided with Syngenta. But the decision was deemed so toxic that it was brought all the way up to the Prime Minister and his cabinet to discuss.

Well, I'm delighted  :trophy:   a good mark for the government there  :yippee: and a big bad mark for Owen Paterson, supposedly the environment minister.
« Last Edit: July 04, 2014, 03:02:59 pm by Fleecewife »
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