Those of you who are members of the Hebridean Sheep Society will have read Jeff Moore's appeal for more entries to the Royal Highland Show Heb classes in the recent Black Board. I would like to add my encouragement to his and also to ask any other owners of registered Hebs who are not members to please have a go, even if you're not really into showing.
My husband was one of the two people who got the classes approved way back at the beginning of this century, and initially we took part every year - usually coming near the bottom of the classes as our sheep are not typical show sheep, showing the 'old fashioned' characteristics of the breed, but that didn't matter at all.
When the classes first started we were told that there needed to be at least 7 exhibitors, with a number of sheep each, in order for the classes to be maintained, and breeders worked hard to support the show. The atmosphere in the Heb lines is great - full of camaraderie and mutual support and many folk see the four days of the show as a holiday. A few of the original showers have dropped by the wayside (or died in one sad case), but more breeders have come along to fill the gap - just. The society is now aware that because numbers are low again we are at serious risk of losing the classes. What a huge shame this would be, for a Scottish Native Breed of sheep to have no classes at our national show. I think I'm right in saying that the only other primitive native sheep with a class at the RHS is the Shetland.
There are arguments for and against showing, especially with primitives, which don't have a breed description because the idea is to maintain their genetic diversity, not to get them all looking the same - in the case of Hebs this is two horned and very glossy black. Normally my husband and I wouldn't be showing our sheep, but The Royal Highland Show is THE big opportunity for a native sheep breed to be on display to a huge number of people. Without this showcase, Hebrideans could sink back into obscurity in their own country, simply because potential breeders wouldn't know they exist. The interest shown in our breed at the show is enormous, to the extent that we rarely get away from the pens because so many visitors want to ask questions. I tend to spin there too, which brings in even more crowds. When we were showing and in the days before we had a website, we made the bulk of our sales to enquirers at the show, and interested many new breeders in the Hebridean.
For the past couple of years I have been in poor health so unable to take sheep, or myself, to the Show, but this year I'm going to make a big effort to be there - even if I have to hire one of those mobility scoots
Please please think hard whether you could join us in the show ring. Feel free to contact me by pm or email for any further info and support.
Be aware though that the closing date for entries is in the first few days of April, so you have to be quick off the mark. Please help