Good News - Lambs should have started on the 4th - but yesterday afternoon one of the first timers delivered two large lambs without too much of a problem. Pic attached - they are now in their own pen with plenty of straw - we just managed to get her in the main part of the barn when down she went!
Mummy and babies doing well so far today - will keep them in a bit longer.
Bad News - Been a nightmare few days - despite best efforts, we lost our Tup to fluke - he'd been hanging on for two months and we thought he was over the worst - went down hill quickly and Vet said to put him down. He was like a dog, was a great Pet and Tup so badly missed.
One of our older Ewes has gone down too. Been down 4 days. Eating really well, but wont get up. She should be lambing any day now. Dosing her in case its twin lamb - but not blind and no breath smell. Vet advised calcijet injection which we have done too - but dont want to overdo that. Just hoping she will recover and deliver her lamb(s) safely and stays around to mother them. She also probably had fluke, but showed no symptoms, she was treat for it when the Tup was diagnosed and if we lose her that will be three out of 9 to this horrible parasite. If anyone can think of anything else to do for her please let me know...
Still struggling to forgive the Vet - they tested us and said we were clear and not to treat for Fluke. Local farmers have said with it being so wet they should have advised to treat regardless - next year we are to take no notice and if its wet treat. You live and learn but I dont like losing my animals to mistakes which could have been avoided.
At least two bouncy lambs are here - with 5 more Ewes to deliver...