Ah, I forgot to mention the cat thing.
In Australia they are bred to find and kill feral cats, they even climb trees after them. In Germany they are known as Deutsch Drathhars and are also trained to kill their prey. We don't do it like that in the UK
Hester tolerates our own cats, mine and my daughter's ones but any others are 'fair game'. She 'retrieved' a chicken once. Pointed it through a hedge, John sent her in, not realising the chicken was on my side; she jumped the hedge and picked up the hen, She was only 8 months so not fully trained at the time - John blew the stop whistle, I bawled obscenities at her and John
She dropped the hen just as it tore itself free. Wing and top of the leg were pared bare. I sluiced it with water, squeezed half a tube of savlon in, slapped it back up, secured it with a crepe bandage round it's body, fastened with elastoplast and it lived another three years - albeit with a droopy wing