I hope it is OK to post this as it is a For Sale. If not will the mods please remove it
Anyway I have for sale five very well grown pedigree registered Yearling Wiltshire Horn ewes, running with registered ram since November and not returned to service so believed in lamb
They were purchased from breeder who has won "Flock of the Year" more than once, and had highest price ram ever sold in the breed.
They are a big meaty breed and have a close fleece which they shed naturally each spring, so no need to shear and less problems with fly strike
Will come to call and follow bucket. I am on Worcester / Herefordshireborders. I have a trailer so can deliver at cost as long as not tooooo far away.
I have lost my "help" this year, and cannot manage alone owing to back problems, so will accept price I paid last spring, though they have matured well since.