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Author Topic: Honest Opinions Please....  (Read 4563 times)

Honest Opinions Please....
« on: May 26, 2011, 06:41:53 pm »

Ill try not to make this an advert - it's not intended as one, Im trying to find out the views of the "Buying" Smallholder specifically on pricing.

If you saw a product in two stores (Exactly the same product or range) and store "A" was charging considerably more than store "B" which one would you buy from?

Logically I would assume that you would go with the cheapest - but I sometimes wonder if the more expensive store sells more because people think the item is better quality than the item in the cheaper store

I could post links as examples - but Dan might slap my wrists.

Whats the general opinion on prices??

Thanks - Safe Secure shopping for all your livestock equipment and supplies.
Also for more larger farm related items


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Re: Honest Opinions Please....
« Reply #1 on: May 26, 2011, 06:51:23 pm »
if they are exactly the same make then i would go for cheapest...... including delivery, its uually that that makes the difference


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Re: Honest Opinions Please....
« Reply #2 on: May 26, 2011, 07:03:45 pm »
There are many British people who seem unsure of their own judgement, and will often choose a more expensive item as they assume that is a guarantee of quality (which in years gone by it was)  Then there are those who "shop around" for a good deal. 

You could try setting up another website to appeal to both types.  I think Thompson and Mogan and Van Meuwen plants come from the same place in Jersey, so either they buy from the same place or they are run by the same company.

Also is your website working properly for you.  If I want to buy something I just Google it, and unless you come up in the first half page or so you won't stand much of a chance.  Apparently Google advertising works well for its money, it might be worth looking into.

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Re: Honest Opinions Please....
« Reply #3 on: May 26, 2011, 07:10:28 pm »
Within reason I don't buy on price.  (See my strapline...)  Other things can be more important.

I prefer to buy from a company with whom I have had good dealings before.  If I know from personal experience that they are helpful and good at resolving any problems, that will go a long way.

In the absence of personal experience then things like recommendations on this forum, eBay's buyers ratings (to an extent...), etc, will help.

I'd buy from someone more local to me in preference to someone a long way away.  A small / family business in preference to a national chain / faceless internet business.   A company with clear ethics in preference to just some other vendor. 

I am unlikely to buy from a company that doesn't publish a realistic looking address, ie, an address of an actual place not a Post Box or handling facility.  I probably won't buy from a non-UK company unless I have very good reason to feel comfortable - not jingoism but feeling protected if something goes wrong!  (I don't know the legal facts but inherently feel that there would be legislation to back me up if I buy from a UK company and I am not sure how much protection there would be for buying from a non-UK company.)

I probably won't deal with a company that is likely to bombard me with offers, etc, and like to use ones that make it clear I would need to opt in to any mailings, etc.

I won't buy (unless there is no other suitable vendor and I really have to have whatever it is) if PayPal is the only option for payment.  I do have a PayPal account but I object to being forced to use an offshore financial instrument and thus be unable to have any protection from our Financial Services legislation.  (I won't give PayPal access to my bank account, I always use my credit card if I do purchase through PayPal, then at least I have fraud protection through the credit card.)

There're probably quite a few other specifics, but hopefully that will give you  the drift.
Don't listen to the money men - they know the price of everything and the value of nothing

Live in a cohousing community with small farm for our own use.  Dairy cows (rearing their own calves for beef), pigs, sheep for meat and fleece, ducks and hens for eggs, veg and fruit growing

Re: Honest Opinions Please....
« Reply #4 on: May 26, 2011, 07:12:50 pm »

Thanks for that...... I just wondered thats all, the site is working great and for example a search for Pig Slapper will give us position 1 or 2 on google, Livestock drinkers - position 4 etc etc

Im not asking due to lack of business - Im genuinely curious how some places can charge what they do - as they will get the stuff at the same price as us and I would not dream of trying to charge the same.

But I would like some more opinions so please keep them coming

Thanks - Safe Secure shopping for all your livestock equipment and supplies.
Also for more larger farm related items


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Re: Honest Opinions Please....
« Reply #5 on: May 26, 2011, 08:36:41 pm »
Much smallholder gear is quite bulky / heavy, so postage can be a real killer. It's a good selling point for me if a website can make it really clear from the start how much the postage is going to come to. A couple of times now, I've had items 'in my basket', and have cancelled at the last minute because high (surprise) delivery charges have bumped the costs up either to beyond what I'm prepared to pay, or higher than  a rival store. A choice of delivery methods (and costs) is a good thing. Many couriers refuse to come out as far as us, and my heart always sinks if I see "your order has been despatched today via Useless and Co.", because I KNOW I'm now going to have to drive to the depot to collect it. If I get the choice of Royal Mail, I'll always take it.

Also, if you have the technology, it's really reassuring to see "10 in stock" etc. next to something I want to buy - that way I know I'm unlikely to be given the run-around. Have a look at, and 'fake' an order for some bits and bobs to see a really good, small online retailer in action. They consistently get everything so right that I never even bother shopping around now for boat bits. If you could attain the same status in your customers' minds for smallholder supplies, you'll do very well indeed IMHO.

"All fungi are edible. Some fungi are only edible once." -Terry Pratchett


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Re: Honest Opinions Please....
« Reply #6 on: May 26, 2011, 08:57:42 pm »
I buy a lot on the internet. If the item is the same but the price is a lot cheaper in one store, if I don't know that store I might not go there as I don't see why it is SO much cheaper - unless its on sale. A small amount cheaper is fine, anything more is suspicious.

I get very fed up with websites that don't have a proper description - especially if I am not sure what I am buying or haven't seen one in real life before. Put sizes in for goodness sake! I also will not buy from a store if the menu is too complex or the search facility needs to be exact word specific. I don't have the time to spend all day tracking down one item. I like to be able to compare a few items, so might add a few to my basket so I can look at them all together if the store doesn't offer a compare facility - so it helps if there are still pictures of the item in the shopping basket.

I do like stores that say 'other people who bought your item also bought this' if its relevant to whatever I am buying - it gives me ideas and I am sometimes tempted to also get that item. I am very much an impulse buyer! I also like to read other peoples reviews and opinions of the item. I tend to buy from Lake land for kitchen stuff, even though they can be slightly more expensive, because the service is good, the descriptions are good and customer reviews are very helpful.

And I really don't do shops who add VAT on in the basket - I want to know the price up front!


Re: Honest Opinions Please....
« Reply #7 on: May 26, 2011, 09:11:47 pm »
Hi Womble,

slightly off topic but Postage is a real killer these days - have you seen the price of a first class stamp now ??
Thats why we elect to ship everything over 2Kg via parcelforce - its cheaper than RM

Hi Egbert,

That is food for thought, if a store is vastly cheaper than it may be viewed as suspicious? OK, here is the scenario.

Store A (a well known online store) is selling a Poultry Electric fence Kit at £249.98 inc Vat + Shipping
Store B (a lesser known Online store) is selling the same, from the same manufacturer at £193 inc Vat + Shipping

would this large difference make you suspicious of store B??

Thanks - Safe Secure shopping for all your livestock equipment and supplies.
Also for more larger farm related items


  • Joined Jan 2010
Re: Honest Opinions Please....
« Reply #8 on: May 26, 2011, 09:25:19 pm »
Usually in a general search on google you get more than 2 prices to compare, to get a rough idea of what is normal anyway.

In the case of your example, I would go with the cheaper price as long as the website looked professional and I could pay by card (not Paypal for example). The reason being, I work in the credit card industry so am comfortable using my card online and know there is some security with it. If the website had a cheap feel, I would probably shop about more first. I do regularly use websites that are small and unknown - if it was a lot of money (couple of hundred etc) I would google reviews of the website first.

Some people are more savvy online shoppers than others, some people are happy to take risks and everyone has a different idea of what is 'a lot of money'. The more slick and professional a website the more confident buyers will feel.


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Re: Honest Opinions Please....
« Reply #9 on: May 26, 2011, 10:48:40 pm »
I shop online qquite a bit too, but I nearly always go through Easyfundraising.  As well as raising funds for our dog club or CSSA I erckon the companies they have on their lists are more liekly to be reliable.  I've saved lots on renewing car insurance for instance, plus got huge donations for the associations I support.  I have no idea how it works between the suppliers and EFR though.
Always have been, always will be, a WYSIWYG - black is black, white is white - no grey in my life! But I'm mellowing in my old age


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Re: Honest Opinions Please....
« Reply #10 on: May 26, 2011, 11:17:37 pm »
Price alone is not just the target.. check out delivery times  carriage costs and the returns policy etc.

 However two with almost identical term & conditions with  exactly the same  products .. I'd use the visa to buy so I'm covered incase of no goods.
 We did that with Courts the Friday before they closed down and got the goods as a Saturday morn deliver for a £2k  leather settee , two arm chairs , three coffee tables & a posh light stand as they went down the tubes on the Monday morning

 One thing though is  to beware that there are many many slight differences in most electrical and mechaniacl products if the model and spec are not identical , these can change  the price tremendously .
 Case in question is a 48 inch LED TV we have been mugging up on , price differenced fo around £170 & delivery dates like a frog hopping on a yearly planner.
 For lots of things I've used Amazon and gone for the cheapest knowing I'm fairly well covered.
When you get to  big ticket items you can save £ 300 or more. It's better in my pocket than sending the CEO's to the Maldives for four weeks each year.
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Re: Honest Opinions Please....
« Reply #11 on: May 27, 2011, 07:03:45 am »
Price is an issue for me, and to be honest, if there was a brand  knew and one  I didn't .....even if the branded one was more money, I would more than likely buy that, especially if I was spending a lot of money.  But exactly the same thing,then the cheaper one would win.  Postage is an issue nowadays, so I tend to try and buy as much as I can at the same time, only stuff I know I will use though.

I do think people go for makes they know, not because they are better, just more comfortable doing it - its the same with food, cars, clothes too.  Don't like to go out of their comfort zone.

smallholder in the city

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Re: Honest Opinions Please....
« Reply #12 on: May 27, 2011, 08:24:43 pm »
We buy a lot of stuff online and although price is a significant deciding factor the choice of delivery company is even more of a deciding factor. If a company uses citylink I will do everything I can to avoid them and if they don't say which carrier they use and I can't find out I'll generally go elsewhere unless there is a massive price difference. Citylink seem most likely to not bother ringing the doorbell or leave the parcel and their depots are always miles away and a nightmare to find.


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Re: Honest Opinions Please....
« Reply #13 on: May 27, 2011, 08:50:40 pm »
Can depend on a few things - mileage to stores, how nice their staff are, if its a more personal experience or a big retailer, what other things can I get at the shop, the knowledge of the shop staff - so long as the price difference isn't massive.
registered soay, castlemilk moorit  and north ronaldsay sheep, pygmy goats, steinbacher geese, muscovy ducks, various hens, lots of visiting mallards, a naughty border collie, a puss and a couple of guinea pigs


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Re: Honest Opinions Please....
« Reply #14 on: May 28, 2011, 01:32:27 am »
We buy a lot of stuff online and although price is a significant deciding factor the choice of delivery company is even more of a deciding factor. If a company uses citylink I will do everything I can to avoid them and if they don't say which carrier they use and I can't find out I'll generally go elsewhere unless there is a massive price difference. Citylink seem most likely to not bother ringing the doorbell or leave the parcel and their depots are always miles away and a nightmare to find.
City Link are hopeless  ;D ;D  It is apparently because their drivers are actually employed by the company so don't really give a toss, whereas most delivery companies use self-employed delivery men who are paid on performance

SfS - we use our vet for most medecines, rather than an online company, although our vet is slightly more expensive.  We do this because of their service in other areas, such as all the free advice they give us and prompt animal care when needed, and to support a local enterprise.  I agree with just about all that Sallyinthe North has said about why I buy where I do.   For your electric fence scenario I would be suspicious of both companies - one for being chancers, the other for being too cheap so I would wonder where they were cutting corners to be so cheap. 
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