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Author Topic: Business Opportunity and all secured £15,000 in and £20,000 back in 6months  (Read 1756 times)

Fruit of gods

  • Joined Feb 2009
We are a fully owned small holding worth over £300,000, as of Jan 2011, in North East Lincolnshire.
We are looking at additional finance of £15,000 which will be paid back in full in 6 months with an additional £5000.
We are unable to get bank loan due to the fact that the property is fully owned and no credit cards ever used.
The sheds were rented out to a friends company which was later burgled and then went bust but left a large electricity, credit card, merchants etc etc bills. We had to pay water, rates and elecy but 1month late and effected our credit rating.
The investment will be secured against equity of twice your investment and is negotiable.

Yes, we have been offered the money from finance companies but after paying an admin fee to one, found that a majority of these are either scammers or looking at stupid amounts of interest and with early payment fees.

The reason we are looking for this investment is to develop glass houses(already purchased), build some stables for a livery and gun dog training kennels (this is already running) and plans are available.
The way we can guarantee this is that we first of all give you security through a choice of euity options (at twice your investment) and secondly through own funds being released in 90 days.

The first payment will be made in 90days and will be for half the investment, £7,500
The remainder at £4,000 pm over 2months with £4500 on the last day, as well as an invitation to one hell of an opening party and or to be part of another development project in July/August.

The be all and end all of this is the fact that with an investment of only £15,000 you will make £833pm, every month, over the 6month period.
This is a lot of money but nothing compared to how much the finance companies are trying to rip people off and all down to a one late payment for elecy.

I hope this is of interest and if you would like further information and to discuss further, please feel free to contact us via email or phone 08000 11 30 70

Quick update....
A number of people have asked about making smaller contributions....
This is not a problem as the total amount I need to get is the £15,000 and that does not matter if it is 1 person or 100.


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