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Author Topic: watch if you dare !!!! die if you don't !!!! ooops scaremongering again !!!  (Read 3374 times)


  • Joined Oct 2009

for those that believe , grow your own food etc , for those that don't believe , I hope you have a good life insurance !!




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I've only watched the first one Russ (will watch the rest once the kids are in bed) when is this happening or has it happened already ?
I'm lucky, I've had 2 home produced meals today and hopefully soon will be able to include something we've grwon ourselves at each and every meal. But I think it's time to reconnect my spring water and get off the mains  :o :o :o
Scaremongering or not, forewarned is forearmed  ;)
Karen x


  • Joined Jan 2009
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not at all, Russ, always a "pleasure"  ;D
no way I will go on the mains!
Do you know of any new update on the Euro directive on supplements?  :&>


  • Joined Oct 2009
most of what is in the clips is already happening . I don't know why ? why they are doing this , but if you add up all the crap they are doing you can only come to one conclusion really .
I don't put things like this on to scare anyone really , I just do it so people are aware of what is being done to them . This isn't my imagination or a conspiracy theory of some sort , they really are doing these crazy insane things to us all. I have only watched the clips I put links on for , but I think there are many many more . I don't know if all of the other clips show things that are actually being done to us in some way or other , but the things in the links are easy to check out , such as the fluoride . It IS poisonous full stop ... not just a little bit iffy but DEADLY poisonous . In the states they are even putting Lithium in the water now !!!! It helps reduce the suicide rate . You bet it does ... it kills everyone before they get to top themselves...
 I find it really sad that nearly all the information is USA based . Doesn't anyone over here care what is going on ? I know there are a few like yourselves , that do care , but most just do not want to know . Some just laugh it off and others get really stroppy  I don't want to frighten anyone , but I do want everyone to at be able to see what isn't being told to them by our government , or even the media , unless it suits them to do so .
 Keeping off the mains cuts out one way of being poisoned . I have been off mains water for over 30 years now , and the stuff I have tasted that is mains , tastes like crap . God knows what they put in it other than Fluoride and aluminium sulphate  ? But whatever is in it , I don't want 'it' in me !!!
 The supplements as far as I know , will become illegal sometime soon . At first dependent on strength , then completely illegal sometime thereafter , but it IS in the process of being implemented  :

Growing your own food as much as possible Karen , is the only way to avoid the crap they put in and on our food . Codex even want to irradiate ALL food in future !!! If anyone thinks that all that  is being done , is for our own good , well that's their decision and they are welcome to it . I just think that people need to be aware of what is happening and they can then make their own minds up . I have done so already .



p.s. no I don't just read this sort of stuff all the time , I just keep an eye on what 'they' are doing to us  ::) ;D.


  • Joined Jan 2009
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well, we know who "they" are...
A Mr Rumsfeld was on the Board of the FDA when they approved Aspartame despite evidence of unpleasant side effects. As far as I remember anyway, ...oil, war, big business, pharma, food industry, bankers & politicians lol, all the same people. Money, money, money. :&>


  • Joined Oct 2009

Donal Rumsfeld  K , is one of , if not THE most evil man on the planet. Oh and Aspartame is now being called AminoSweet.

Rumsfeld also had a dirty hand in Tamiflu as well ....wasn't it lucky that swine flu appeared just in time ?

The man should be hung drawn and quartered for crimes against humanity , but he will instead live out a very rich life and die an old man , having no doubt never taken any of his own poison .  I would happily strangle the bastard with my bare hands .




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I can keep a secret, Russ  ;D

robert waddell

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one other thing they put in water is chlorine this is to  purify the system and clean new pipework maybe this is the reason we are unwell o well i will away and get the pills vodka rusty blades stout rope or continue with drinking water ????????????????????? two other points don't trust the men in white jackets they are the ones that got us to eradicate warble fly with organophospate as with sheep dip ( they are also intending to use meat&bonemeal again) and the banks they caused this crisis should they not have been left to sink as they have sunk hundreds of companies and individuals they must be winning this is the second time i have typed this


  • Joined May 2010
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Aspartame is interesting.  It has been known for years to cause weird side effects such as dizziness and 'funny turns' (although I didn't know about the brain tumours).  It was found that some pilots suffered some of these funny turns while flying, after drinking low cal drinks, so pilots, esp airline pilots, have been advised for at least 20 years not to drink them.  I discovered about 20 or 25 years ago that aspartame makes me feel odd and dizzy, so I now check every label when I am in the supermarket - and if I have forgotten my specs I have been known to accost other shoppers to get them to read the label for me  :o  It is amazing and somewhat scary just how many products contain aspartame.
"Let's not talk about what we can do, but do what we can"

There is NO planet B - what are YOU doing to save our home?

Do something today that your future self will thank you for - plant a tree

 Love your soil - it's the lifeblood of your land.


  • Joined Aug 2009
And to think that all these things have been going on for fifty/sixty years and people didn't know, were not told that these things were not safe!
This is why I don't believe Goverment "assurances" that G.M. crops etc are safe. They will tell you anything to stop mass worry and to make fat cats a bit fatter!!
We don't need to drink fizzy crap, use flouridated toothpaste or eat shite food, but we do need to drink water and knowing this the authorities can put whatever they like into it and I find that very worrying! :o :o


  • Joined Jan 2009
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Re: watch if you dare !!!! die if you don't !!!! ooops scaremongering again !!!
« Reply #10 on: November 29, 2010, 10:52:58 am »
I did have a huge fight with the school nurse telling the kids not to rinse their mouth after brushing. I do not want my kids to swallow industrial poison! :&>


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