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Author Topic: weather predictions?  (Read 2207 times)


  • Joined Aug 2010
  • swindon
weather predictions?
« on: August 20, 2010, 11:08:43 pm »

ok so what do you all think the weather will be this winter like the snow this year etc what do you think will happen from say the months of november to april? if thats the right months to predict etc


  • Guest
Re: weather predictions?
« Reply #1 on: August 20, 2010, 11:17:33 pm »
OK then...I am Mystic peg!! meg? seg? anyway, I think we will be in for a hard one, cold, ice, snow, starting on December 20th up until Jan 7th that is up here in Central Scotland, for others it will be more or less shittty!!


  • Joined Aug 2010
  • swindon
Re: weather predictions?
« Reply #2 on: August 20, 2010, 11:22:53 pm »
i want snow for a month it was snow for a week or 2 this year and cam to a stand still foreigners said why stop we get twice as much back home dont you people know how to drive lol i laughed i drove fine  but i want more snow


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Re: weather predictions?
« Reply #3 on: August 20, 2010, 11:34:39 pm »
We had to count our ££'s but I would love an old Landrover defender!!! I then would not care. In the little car I have I nearly lsot it around a courner due to the ice, it shock me up but a 4x4 would find it NO problem!

Norfolk Newby

  • Joined Aug 2009
  • West Norfolk, UK
Re: weather predictions?
« Reply #4 on: August 21, 2010, 06:34:19 am »
I know this isn't the answer you want but I have been keeping a reasonably detailed record of the weather week by week so that I can look back over the last couple of years to see what was going on then. It is not a good way of forecasting the weather but it does give you a guide for planting, etc. Also, it is specific to your location. Rain in the next county is no good if your soil is bone dry!

Having suggested this, the weather patterns are changing all the time. One year has a wet summer, the next a dry one. The main benefit of keeping a record is to remind you to grab (with both hands, teeth and toes) any weather which is good for your plans. Planting needs damp soil, cutting grass and cereals dry weather and so on. Because our climate is so changeable, you have to put everything else second.

Over time, you may be able to spot trends (global warming) and cycles. I am coming round ot the idea that the sun cycle (about 11 years) is an important influence. If correct, the next 3-4 years should have a warm summer here in the UK while the sun gets up to maximum activity. If that all sounds like druids and Mystic Meg, it has some scientific basis.

Novice - growing fruit, trees and weeds

Gordon M

  • Joined Sep 2009
Re: weather predictions?
« Reply #5 on: August 21, 2010, 05:58:24 pm »
Bring on the snow and ice! I love it and was even riding my motorcycle in it last winter.
Good for skiing as well!!!


  • Guest
Re: weather predictions?
« Reply #6 on: August 21, 2010, 07:23:20 pm »
there is onley 1 forcast and thats wether action piers corbin this is the onley forcast that works predicted the pacistan floods heavey snow for 24 december 2010 winter would last till april as said we will have a cold spell middle september onley a month a way .iv paid for this and very happey the summer as not warmed up the autum will arive next week the birds on migration at the moment .chickins stopt laying trees turning  colourer                                             Could world wheat crisis
have been averted?
· Will Russia & Pakistan be hit
again next year?
· Is SatelliteGate the end of
Global-Warming religion?
Long-range forecasts by Piers Corbyn using his
Solar-magnetic and Lunar effects Technique
correctly forecast the West Russia heatwave and
correctly predicted when the Jet stream would
undergo a dramatic world shift and end both the
Russia heatwave & Pakistan SuperDeluges.
Russia heat ends as forecast
Piers said “We are very pleased with this result. I
explained on Russia Today tv that
these events were driven by solar-magnetic lunar cycles
which is why there were similar events around 132 years
earlier. We warned (eg in video of 31 July ) that the most significant extreme
events across the world this August would be around
15th/16th August - as part of 15th-19th RED WARNING
- eg EuroMaps & Brit /Ire forecasts and
part of a general world shift in the Jet-stream. There
were many very dramatic events in this period (see over)
including massive deluges in St Peturburg 15th August
starting the end of the heatwave in a
manner which closely matches our forecast - see Video
by Nina Ridge &
There were also major deluges in France, across Europe
and in SE England Channel 4 TV’s big brother house
flooded on 18th Aug .
The dramatic penetration of the jet stream (grey bits) into
West Russia on 16th-18th is clear in the jet stream flickermovie (archives)
Pakistan floods drop as forecast
“In Pakistan, as we warned, there were ‘last blast’ extra
deluges around 15th which caused new floods – eg in
Dadu-Moro (click) and in next day or so
then a general change to less deluges in Pakistan is
following as the Low pressure in the Arabian sea filled
{see 18th Aug Pressure map - compared to
situation around Aug 2nd } and the whole
world jet stream transforms to a new state as predicted


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