We have a young male heb which we have had to bottle feed from day one due to a disability which prevented him from standing and feeding off mum, (fused ear canal meant he didn't have great balance but has adapted really well) We were feeding him every 4 hours firstly on colostrum then Lamlac for the first week then went down to 6 hours. He is now 17 days old, full of energy (albeit half the size of his twin sister!)
So what next? When should I reduce his feeds further and start to introduce solids and what solids do people recommend?
The whole flock do go out into the field in the day unless there's bad weather with hay nets and shallow water trays in their indoor enclosure of an evening. We also have been giving the ewes a handful of 1418 mix (cereal and ewe nut mix) which the lambs could reach if they wanted to.
Any suggestions?