Youngest batch, the 6 bluebell/6 sussex age now 9 weeks all sold subject to collection at the weekend.
Still have a couple of legbar pullets now 11 weeks and the Sussex/Maran/Speckledy are now 15 weeks and almost at POL £15/bird.
Also decided if someone wants the 2 Rhode Rock and 2 Colombian Blacktails they are good laying hens around 14 months old, used to coming in at night and free ranging all daylight hours. They're taking up a whole large coop I could put to more effective use with the youngsters, and get my ages sorted for max production. Suit a more hobby/domestic setting but will produce large/x-large eggs for several more years. £6/bird
Please note most of my birds are bought in at day old, professionally sexed as female and pre-vaccinated. Legbars and a couple of older adult Sussex/Bluebell/Scots Grey aren't and all in excellent health despite mixing but I know some folk prefer to keep one or other.
More available later September/October - bluebell, sussex, marans, speckledy most likely but can also get rhode rock, blacktail and leghorn to order and raise to required age if pre-booked with deposit. After that probably no more til March.