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Author Topic: Renting out paddock  (Read 8158 times)


  • Joined Jun 2014
Renting out paddock
« on: June 18, 2014, 12:43:31 pm »

At our new place in Warrington (North West UK) we have a paddock of around 1.5 acres with four horseboxes on.  Not in a great state of repair and the land is a bit rough.  We were wondering about renting it out to someone to keep their horses on though as we've enough on our plates with the farmhouse and rest of the land for now so wouldn't want to do anything with it for at least a couple of years.

Is it worth it though?  What kind of income would we get from this, what would we be expected to provide (power? water?) and what kind of hassles would we expect? 

Any advice welcome, we know nothing about horses :)




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Re: Renting out paddock
« Reply #1 on: June 18, 2014, 04:23:12 pm »
I take it by horseboxes you mean stables rather than trailers/lorries to transport equines?  If you have actual horseboxes as in vehicles, then rent that space for more of those and/or caravans, far less hassle and more money for the timescale you want.

If you mean stables, with 1.5 acres, does it have a water supply, good stockproof fencing, ragwort/weed free grass and of what quality/length is it?  Is there secure access, what is near it for folk to ride or exercise their horses, any off road hacking within a few minutes will increase desirability for some, while others won't look without an arena.  Is it an area you could park a trailer and find it there next day?  Water I would say definitely required, power nice but not necessary to most potential tenants, I had various places without power but tracking water in every day wouldn't be worth taking on anything.

If it's really suitable for grazing then there is at least one person I can think of straight off that might want to talk to you, a Highland pony owner somewhere in Lancs but I'm not sure exactly where.  What she'd pay for the whole I don't know but I would suggest that over renting individual stables to 4 people, which would involve you in a lot of hassle from their conflicting ideas, needs and methods.

PM me if you want.  I'm nowhere nearby so no personal interest, just know of someone whose livery closed at short notice and where she went at the time wasn't ideal so I know she's looking.

Barleyfields Smallholding & Kirkcarrion Highland Ponies
Ellie Douglas Therapist

lord flynn

  • Joined Mar 2012
Re: Renting out paddock
« Reply #2 on: June 18, 2014, 04:30:46 pm »
just make it very clear who is liable for maintenance-and this includes keeping the grazing in good order. 1.5 acres isn't a huge amount for horses and if its clay you could get someone in who'll trash it over the winter, leave in the spring and leave you with bills for harrowing and reseeding before anyone else will take it over. Saying that, DIY livery/yard rental is very sought after now so I don't think you'd have any hassle finding tenants-especially as if ellied suggests, it has access to decent hacking.

I would aim for a single owner who has maybe 2 horses, who has references, will sign a lease and knows what they are talking about. Prices will depend on where you are and facilities.


  • Joined Oct 2013
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Re: Renting out paddock
« Reply #3 on: June 19, 2014, 06:14:51 pm »
I'll add my ten pennorth by saying if you've only got an acre and a half, and the land is already "a bit rough", it's unlikely to improve any by offering a let to horse owners due to its size.
For the acreage on offer, it is only really suitable for a single horse. Don't know which side of Warrington you're located, but have a run around Croft or Lymn and you'll get an idea of what's on offer in the area.

If you do consider going for it, make sure you get a proper agreement drawn up, and in the meantime you may want to have a look through the following;
A lot of the content could apply even though you're not the horse owner! 
Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so.  ~Douglas Adams


  • Joined Sep 2011
Re: Renting out paddock
« Reply #4 on: June 21, 2014, 09:12:58 pm »
Might be suitable as allotments, very popular at the moment, the going rate round here (West Yorkshire) is £100 per year for not very much land. No power needs to be provided, just a stand pipe for water.


  • Joined Jun 2014
Re: Renting out paddock
« Reply #5 on: August 03, 2014, 06:15:33 pm »
Thanks for all the advice. I had a look at allotments but I don't fancy so many people coming and going next to my house, it's enough for one horse owner to be doing that I think. We've finally had the grass mown so I just need to get a fence in and fix up the stables. We've already had three enquiries as to whether we would let the field. Before I paint the stables though is there anything I need to avoid with the paint there or is ordinary garden fence paint ok?


  • Joined Sep 2011
Re: Renting out paddock
« Reply #6 on: August 03, 2014, 09:41:43 pm »
Yes it's fine.  To stop the customers little darlings chewing the fencing, you might want to think about a bit of electric fencing along the top to keep them away, the horses not the owners, it doesn't cost much and will save you a fair bit of money as you won't have to constantly repair the fence, as the horse owner won't do it.  another point is the muck pile, make sure they agree to remove it once a year as it can cost a few quid to get it shifted otherwise.
good luck with your new venture  :)


  • Joined Apr 2012
Re: Renting out paddock
« Reply #7 on: August 04, 2014, 11:17:09 am »
Just to add to all of the above you may find it better advertising for 2 ponies instead of horses- 1.5 acres is just about enough for 1 horse but most people wouldn't want to keep their horse on its own, they need company but any more than 1 and the land will probably be trashed. Maybe looking for someone with 2 native ponies might be better.


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