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Author Topic: quick question, prolapse cull or treat?  (Read 1351 times)


  • Joined Mar 2013
quick question, prolapse cull or treat?
« on: April 25, 2014, 01:17:45 pm »
I've been lucky so far with the hen's health and it looks like I've now got our first problem (they are just over a year old).  I'm just back from holiday and have been out to check the chickens.  One was keeping herself separate and not very active.  I had a quick look and the only thing that I could see was that she has a mucky bum and was a little hunched over.  She came over and drank when I changed their water for fresh and otherwise looks healthy.  I've had a quick read and it seems likely to be a prolapse, which is treatable but seems to often recur.  We also have one hen that seems to be stuck laying "fart eggs" for several weeks (and don't know which one).  Could these issues be related?  These are not pets, we keep them for the eggs, so if this one is not laying anyway then I should cull it.

Advice from more experienced chicken keepers please!  I'm off now to isolate it and have a better look. 


  • Joined Dec 2011
  • Gascony, France
Re: quick question, prolapse cull or treat?
« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2014, 01:29:13 pm »
A prolapse would be hanging out of her vent Lars64. She may have burst an egg while laying and the shell may be stuck? She may be fine on her own. Repairing a prolapse takes time and patience but can be successful. Our birds are all 'pets' in that we give them the best possible care regardless of time spent. Birds that don't lay are allowed to remain as their feed requirements are small and we have plenty of space available. We only despatch if they are suffering with no realistic prospect of recovery. So we are not a Commercial practice and the question of despatch for the sake of production doesn't arise.

We have in the past despatched for poor egg quality, when the eggs were continually broken, the hen was of problematic nature and space was limited. We have also despatched for incurable egg eating and cannibalism.

So the decision is yours Lars64 -only you can make it.


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