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Author Topic: My Golden Guernseys  (Read 2669 times)


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My Golden Guernseys
« on: June 04, 2013, 01:18:46 pm »
Here's a quick photo of my newly acquired nanny and kids  :thumbsup:
Mum's very skinny and the kids are really chunky and well grown - would it be worth weaning them and letting her regain a bit of condition and if so, how best should I go about this ? (She's super skinny) I don't know how old they are unfortunately but I'm hoping you experienced keepers will be able to gauge it from their size  :fc:

She's pretty skittish so I'd prefer to wait til she's come round a bit and trusts me more before milking her, but I believe goats are quite prone to mastitus so what's best to do in this situation ?
I don't want to force her into milking at this stage if I don't have to (and have another milker to provide milk for the moment) The main thing for me is to get her trusting me and a good bit healthier before I even think about that (I think... Being a novice milker and goat keeper I'm more than happy to be guided by you guys as to what's best for her)

All advice welcome  :thumbsup:
Thanks, Karen x


  • Joined Dec 2009
  • Wiltshire
Re: My Golden Guernseys
« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2013, 01:42:47 pm »
How long have you had her? I'm a novice but comparing to my kids I'd reckon at least 3-4 months. If you can hand feed her she will soon come round. They love a scratch so normally if you rub their neck and behind ears they will be your best friend.


  • Joined Dec 2009
  • St Boswells, Scottish Borders
Re: My Golden Guernseys
« Reply #2 on: June 04, 2013, 01:46:46 pm »
Hi Karen, just a quick reply - from the photo she looks quite nice. Ears up at the tips, nice colour, can't see any more from the photo.
If you want to dry her off you have a bit of a dilemma - feeding her up will encourage milk and therefore mastitis. So I wouldn't actually feed her any concentrate until she is dry, just hay and move the kids behind a hurdle. You probably will have to ease her out a few times, but she should dry off fairly quickly. Kids are fairly big - are they boys (entire) or girls? I see they have got their horns.
When I had to dry my GG off in the first year (she arrived with a kid at foot and was never milked before) it did take two of us to hold her and get some out... but I was a novice too then.. BUT better for her udder!
Once she is dry you could start her very slowly on concentrates - it is unlikely that she has been vaccinated against enterotoxaemia, one danger of eating too much concentrate too soon. But in the meantime (once she is dry though) branches, grass and hay will be good too. GG's only need about a pound of concentrate per day when they are dry, and do better on a lower protein content than recommended for dairy goats.
My GG milker (kidded this year) is also quite skinny, despite a good ration... it takes time for them to put on condition.
So you will be looking for a GG boy to mate her to? Has she got a herdname?
Will reply to your pm later tonight - off to feed the goats now...
How old is she?


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Re: My Golden Guernseys
« Reply #3 on: June 04, 2013, 02:06:22 pm »
Thanks Scotsgirl, I only collected her on Sunday night so hopefully she'll soon come round  :thumbsup:

Anke, I know zilch about her (overcome with "oooh, she's lovely" girlie type moment and completely forgot to ask all the important stuff  ::)) I don't know how old she is  :-\ but I'll get a hold of her this afternoon and count the teeth  ;)

The kids are castrated, though I'll hopefully be able to confirm this later  :fc: Should I be thinking about disbudding/de-horning ? I think the plan for these two might be as a food source :( But if anyone has alternative suggestions I'm happy to consider them  :thumbsup:

I'll 'man up' and make sure I at least take some milk from her every day to keep her comfortable post-weaning and see how she goes.

I don't know if she's got a herd name  ??? But her ear tag numbers are in that pm, so hopefully you'll be able to find out  ;) ;D
Thanks again mrs  :-*

Lesley Silvester

  • Joined Sep 2011
  • Telford
Re: My Golden Guernseys
« Reply #4 on: June 06, 2013, 01:14:37 am »
They need disbudding in the first couple of weeks. My vet says in the first week but Cloud was 5 weeks old when I got her and she had only just been done. Their horns must be quite well grown by now.


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