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Author Topic: Lame lamb- any ideas?  (Read 3486 times)


  • Joined Apr 2012
Lame lamb- any ideas?
« on: April 25, 2013, 10:40:50 am »
Wonder if I could rack all your brains. I've got a 12 week old lamb that is quite lame on his front offside leg. Hobbling about, grazing with it held up slightly. I've managed to catch him and can't see any obvious swelling, heat, cuts and his foot doesn't smell. Sprayed his foot with purple spray just to be on the safe side. He went lame overnight on Tues night and is out in a 7 acre field.
Anyone got any ideas? Possible abscess? I can't work out if it's in his knee or foot, don't think it's further up than that. The vet is coming out to tb test on Tuesday so if he's no better by then we will bring him in to have a look, but wondered if any of you had any ideas on what it could be...


  • Joined Oct 2010
Re: Lame lamb- any ideas?
« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2013, 11:25:34 am »
You've obviously checked for stones, thorns etc so...
He could have stood on a stone and its a bit sore, he could have knocked it, twisted it playing/jumping around which as resulted in some residual pain.  Metacam  - its an anti inflammatory, used on all animals it seems - is what we use for our sheep - we've not used on lambs before though,so check whether it is suitable for the age.  You get it from the vet; you may want to contact your vet sooner, before Tuesday, to get some (if suitable for the age) as waiting until the vet turns up on Tuesday is a bit too long really. 
You may also want to bring lamb and mum + any other offspring, in to help rest it as if its knocked he may require a couple of nights in just ot take the weight off it and help healing.
Hope this is some help


  • Joined Apr 2012
Re: Lame lamb- any ideas?
« Reply #2 on: April 25, 2013, 12:05:40 pm »
Yes I was thinking Tues was a bit long really, might give the vet a ring tomorrow if it's no better as don't want to be worrying all weekend about him. He's an orphan so could come in with a friend for company, will have another look tonight when I feed them and go from there. If we could leave him out that would be a lot easier as the field they are in isn't the most accessible (cows on one side, newly planted potatoes on the other) but if he needs to come in tomorrow he will. Thanks :)


  • Joined Mar 2012
  • South Wales
Re: Lame lamb- any ideas?
« Reply #3 on: April 25, 2013, 12:14:04 pm »
I've had some get a knock and they limp for a day or two, then they are magically fine.  If it's not sore to touch and not hot and you can't see anything I'd be tempted to leave him be and see it it clears up.

Marches Farmer

  • Joined Dec 2012
  • Herefordshire
Re: Lame lamb- any ideas?
« Reply #4 on: April 25, 2013, 04:34:11 pm »
Around that age it's often because they've chanced suckling from a ewe that's not their dam and it hasn't paid off and they've been soundly butted.  We had one yesterday that kept lying down and couldn't put any weight on its rear left leg - a couple of hours in the shed and it was fine.


  • Joined Feb 2011
  • Cornwall
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Re: Lame lamb- any ideas?
« Reply #5 on: April 25, 2013, 04:52:06 pm »
Yup, lambs get lame, same as adult sheep, and often just come right.  If you've looked for lumps, thicknesses, soreness, heat, scald, thorns, and can't see anything, chances are he just took a tumble or landed awkwardly and will be fine in a day or three.

But if your instincts tell you it's something more, don't let me discourage you from the vet. ;)
Don't listen to the money men - they know the price of everything and the value of nothing

Live in a cohousing community with small farm for our own use.  Dairy cows (rearing their own calves for beef), pigs, sheep for meat and fleece, ducks and hens for eggs, veg and fruit growing


  • Joined Apr 2012
Re: Lame lamb- any ideas?
« Reply #6 on: April 25, 2013, 08:14:18 pm »
Still lame tonight  ???  given him a jab of pen&strep just incase of any infection but I think it's muscular. Instinct tells me it will sort itself out, and he is keeping up with the others the majority of the time and grazing, albeit hobbling along. Just frustrating as there is nothing visible to treat! He is a tame lamb so no ewe to butt him away. I wonder if he's climed into the hedge and pulled something... will see how he is in the morning and take it from there.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2013, 08:15:54 pm by twizzel »


  • Joined Apr 2013
Re: Lame lamb- any ideas?
« Reply #7 on: April 29, 2013, 12:00:49 am »
Its not from arthritis connected to infection through the navel cord?  You see that alot here, and it is treated with antibiotics and comes right eventually.  If not treated continues to get worse.


  • Joined Apr 2012
Re: Lame lamb- any ideas?
« Reply #8 on: April 29, 2013, 10:47:06 am »
Well he had a shot of pen&strep on Thursday night, was still lame friday but marginally better. I haven't seen him over the weekend as I was working but OH's mum has looked in on them morning and night, and says he is a lot better :) Hooray. I think it was muscular, must have pulled something. Will pop my head in on them later though just to be sure :)


  • Joined Apr 2013
Re: Lame lamb- any ideas?
« Reply #9 on: April 29, 2013, 01:02:36 pm »
that is great he is looking better.  If it was arthritic antibiotic that you gave him would help, but he may need it a few times over a week or so.   But then maybe it was a strain.  Wonderful news either way, good luck


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