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Author Topic: Feeding New Treats  (Read 1722 times)


  • Joined Dec 2009
  • Wiltshire
Feeding New Treats
« on: August 30, 2012, 08:31:22 pm »
My goats don't seem to like anything other than the nuts I give them.  Obviously not used to fruit, veg, biccies etc but how do you get them to try different things?
Are they fussy about hay if chickens have walked over it? My hens like to lay in the hay rack and the goats don't seem to eat much of the hay I leave. They took most from the hay net but don't like leaving that in in case they get tangled.


  • Joined Jun 2012
  • S W northumberland
Re: Feeding New Treats
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2012, 08:40:41 pm »
We just keep offering them different things and they do eventualy start to eat them.
Our lot love treats but the new Boer lad wouldnt try anything when he first came, he now loves kiwi's, bananas and peapods and has a little nibble at other stuff.
The older ones wont eat anything that has been on the floor, if another goat has had it in its mouth the others wont touch it and if the chickens had  been in the hay racks they would pull the hay out and spread it all over their beds.
We have lids on top of our hay racks to stop the chickens getting in


  • Joined Aug 2012
  • Cumbria/N Yorks border
Re: Feeding New Treats
« Reply #2 on: August 30, 2012, 09:01:31 pm »
I've made lids for my hayracks too. To stop the chooks pooing on it but also because I had a goat kid jump onto the full hayrack and then slip, get her leg stuck and dislocated her hock :-\

Goats are notorious for not eating anything that has been on the ground and I imagine they might classify something chickens have walked on in the same way  :goat:

I just keep trying with the adults and something new. Sometimes they're more inclined it try it if I put it in their feed bucket. With the kids, I've actually put sultanas and tiny pieces of apple into their mouths, then they realise they're quite tasty and before long they've got their heads in my pockets searching for treats the minute I appear  :D

Lesley Silvester

  • Joined Sep 2011
  • Telford
Re: Feeding New Treats
« Reply #3 on: August 30, 2012, 09:36:32 pm »
I often use dried bread as a treat.  Cloud, now aged 6 months, has tasted it but very gingerly and now ignores it.  They often have a bucket with things like banana skins, apple cores, veg peelings, in but she'd rather eat the concentrates.  I suppose she will take treats eventually but at least she eats the good stuff.


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