I've posted previously asking for advice on this breed and then about raising the chicks (I then bought half a dozen week old chicks), since that purchase the chicks are now around 18/19 weeks old and today whilst in their run planting some apple trees I heard clucking from the hen house. Considering I've found the leghorns to be very quiet birds, I thought it was a Blackrock or Welsummer but on inspection I found a small pure white egg. When I checked the nest boxes n the other side of the coop there were 2 more small white eggs.
These birds have turned out to be lovely, friendly little birds and have started laying at around 19 weeks. I am so glad that I listened to the advice on this site to get some white leghorns.
The only issue I now have is that I need to fence off my apple trees as they are young trees and the birds seem to love the lower leaves.