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Author Topic: Scouring sheep - what can I give them?  (Read 3263 times)


  • Joined Aug 2018
Scouring sheep - what can I give them?
« on: August 30, 2019, 08:43:09 am »
Noticed yesterday one sheep had a very mucky bum. Got her in and washed her down and have put her in a separate small paddock, along with another sheep that’s hobbling and one more who’s feet we’re keeping an eye on.
They had some ewe nuts yesterday and I hoped this might firm up her poop but she’s still the same this morning. I’ve since read that nuts could make it worse, or at least not better? They moved onto a fresh field that they’ve been in and out of for a day here and there but never permanently before. I think this is part of the cause as there are quite a few soft droppings around and everything was nice and firm prior to the move. However this one seems to have it bad. Don’t know if she’s eaten something that’s disagreed with her? She’s eating grass okay and have seen her drinking a couple of times too. Is there anything else I can give her to help her tummy? I also read somewhere someone suggesting feeding hay helps? She came to us end of June and was wormed prior to arrival.

How long can scouring from being in fresh pasture last?



  • Joined Apr 2012
Re: Scouring sheep - what can I give them?
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2019, 09:31:36 am »
Hay or straw will help dry them up, but if it’s prolonged scouring a faecal egg test would be worth doing to make sure it’s not something like worms or cocci. Just collect a fresh sample of dung and take to your vet- they should have the kit to do the test (maybe ring before hand).

Ewe nuts if they are not used to them can cause scouring through acidosis. I wouldn’t feed them to help correct scour, you’d be better offering some hay or straw out in a hayrack in the field. My ewe lambs have been a bit loose after going onto a new lush paddock, it can take a week or so to dry up if it’s the lush grass to blame. Their fec was pretty clear so we don’t think it’s worms but will do another one in a few weeks to check up on them.


  • Joined Jan 2011
  • Dumfries & Galloway
Re: Scouring sheep - what can I give them?
« Reply #2 on: August 30, 2019, 10:39:03 am »
Young fast growing grass contains a lot of  water , so after old dry grass tends to cause scour to different degrees in some sheep until the gut adjusts


  • Joined Feb 2017
  • Carmarthenshire
Re: Scouring sheep - what can I give them?
« Reply #3 on: August 30, 2019, 02:49:33 pm »
As others have said, the grass has been dormant in a lot of the UK due to the lack or rain, but its now growing fast and is pretty lush, added to that is that its full of water and has water on the leaves that are also injested!

I would bring her in for 24-48hrs hrs and feed hay, or if you have a well grazed field put her in there till it clears up.


  • Joined Aug 2018
Re: Scouring sheep - what can I give them?
« Reply #4 on: August 30, 2019, 10:04:26 pm »
Yep, she’s in a small paddock with a couple of others as of yesterday. One that’s been grazed and just topped (wasn’t planning on any residents!) She’s looking mucky again today but eating well so will keep her in a bit longer. Just hope she doesn’t suffer again when she goes back. It is grass that’s not been grazed really with us and it is slightly long and there’s always a bit of moisture about due to where we live. Because they have long tails you can really tell an upset tummy!
If she’s still loose tomorrow I’ll pop some hay in with them as well. Then I just need my hobbler to sort herself out and they can all go back. They’re not happy separated from the others. Especially the hobbler - - she came with our originals - as the other two were part of the second group and always hung out together. Fingers crossed for a reunion soon!


  • Joined Feb 2012
Re: Scouring sheep - what can I give them?
« Reply #5 on: August 30, 2019, 10:53:57 pm »
Clip her back end out. She will stay cleaner and attract less flies.


  • Joined Aug 2018
Re: Scouring sheep - what can I give them?
« Reply #6 on: August 31, 2019, 06:00:30 pm »
Not really much to clip to be honest. She’s not got a massive fleece. I washed her down before so will do that again before she goes back with the others  :)


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