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Marketplace / Re: FS Tamworth weaners (Scottish Borders)
« Last post by shankendfarming on September 16, 2024, 08:43:17 pm »
Only 2 castrated male weaners left from this litter
Crofting / Re: Caravans on crofts
« Last post by Raf on September 16, 2024, 01:20:06 pm »
They may be thinking of this:

"crofters do not require a site license for use of land as a caravan site provided such use falls within the period 1 April to 30 September in any year and in that period there are not more than 3 caravans on the land at any one time"

Which is taken from

It's mentioned quite a few times that 3 caravans are allowed for seasonal workers on a registered croft. I'd assume that prior notification to planning would still be required, like as with a shipping container it's still a change of use no matter that they are portable/temporary.

I've never found mention of this 3 caravan thing for Crofts in any of the legislation or on the Crofting commission's website, but it comes up repeatedly in conversations and attributed to Croft law and the Crofting Commission. Nothing on their website though when you google "caravan" site:
Announcements / New diary post: Frost / Harvest / Anniversary
« Last post by TAS Bot on September 16, 2024, 09:32:59 am »
A new TAS diary entry has been posted: Frost / Harvest / Anniversary
Wildlife / Re: Bat
« Last post by Fleecewife on September 14, 2024, 11:16:55 pm »
Thank goodness you were there when it plopped into the bucket.  I once had an exhausted Mallard crash land at my feet, having dropped out of a flying formation from total exhaustion but still alive.

My weirdest experience with a Pipistrelle was when I heard a strange rustling inside the log burning stove (unlit).  I opened the door to investigate and there was a slightly sooty Pipistrelle.  I picked it up, took it outside, blew off some of the soot and away it flew, none the worse for its experience I think.  It's great to be able to give a helping hand, isn't it  8)  ps we made sure to renew the cowl on the chimney to keep birds and bats out.
Wildlife / Bat
« Last post by Rupert the bear on September 14, 2024, 06:30:56 pm »
A very unusual thing last night , I was wobbling around last thing checking everything was shut up for the night when I heard a splashing sound from a bucket of water, thinking it was probably a frog I had a look. To My surprise
I found a  wee bat struggling to stay afloat. Got it out and let it rest on my hand for a couple of moments, once it dried off away it went.
We often see them in the evenings but I have never held one.
Poultry & Waterfowl / Re: Poultry feed prices - let's keep track
« Last post by doganjo on September 12, 2024, 01:41:36 pm »
I wish I could have these prices, but unfortunately I can't carry 20kgs so need them delivered.  Ebay is the cheapest I've found at £15.99 for 20kg delivered up 10 steps to my front door. Then I wait till my son visits to empty it into teh metal bin in the shed ;D ;D
Poultry & Waterfowl / Re: Poultry feed prices - let's keep track
« Last post by Kiran on September 12, 2024, 11:16:38 am »
Duffield superlayers down to £10.15 for 20kg bag. Glad to see this trend as our chicken and duck flocks have grown a bit this year 😁
Poultry & Waterfowl / Re: Scottish Kept Birds Register
« Last post by doganjo on September 11, 2024, 08:12:46 pm »
Done and a CPH from registering with Apha
Announcements / New diary post: Jungle / Yarn / Land Justice
« Last post by TAS Bot on September 09, 2024, 08:10:00 pm »
A new TAS diary entry has been posted: Jungle / Yarn  / Land Justice
Wildlife / Re: Swallows '24
« Last post by Fleecewife on September 09, 2024, 04:00:03 pm »
We have ours still here the last hatching fledged five days ago, but this morning the geese have arrived, a little bit early, usually when they arrive the swallows go

Yes, geese gaggling overhead this morning.
Our swallows have definitely gone after swithering a bit at first.

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