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Dogs / Re: Introducing my dogs
« Last post by SallyintNorth on Today at 10:56:15 am »

We also had our first interested party look at the pups today, our littlest girl has been chosen and seems like a very nice person so quite happy about that

That's great news  :excited:.  Best of luck finding equally good homes for them all.  :fc:
Sheep / Re: Aircraft activity - can it stress sheep?
« Last post by Backinwellies on Today at 07:11:35 am »
Many night flights, extra low level flights : there's the possibility there's going to be an active mission soon... 😳

  especially by USAF ..... sadly yes!

 I think the question is not if but when and where?
Dogs / Re: Introducing my dogs
« Last post by T.eddie on February 08, 2025, 07:58:04 pm »

as for the spaying, I was never really for it in the first place but my Mrs wanted to avoid puppies....didn't work out that way.

Re: spaying, having had an unspayed bitch have repeated mammary tumours, some of them cancerous, cost me a ££££££ortune twice to have the cancerous ones removed (not to mention the worry), she then got a secondary tumour in her elbow and I chose to not amputate at her age so medicated for pain until it wasn't keeping her comfortable...   :'(  I would never ever keep a bitch unspayed again.  (Oh and she also had pyometra, so another op for that, and it did make her proper poorly, took her a while to get over that one.) 

Check with the vet, there is an age by which you need to get them spayed to reduce the likelihood of mammary tumours.

That is the only thing that makes me consider it, we had our jack Russell spayed for preventative reasonings. There seems to be some conflicting info being circulated now though where some vets are saying there is no health reasons to do or not. Luna will be spayed regardless but it is odd how the narrative seems to be changing at the moment.

We also had our first interested party look at the pups today, our littlest girl has been chosen and seems like a very nice person so quite happy about that
Wildlife / Pheasants
« Last post by Penninehillbilly on February 08, 2025, 11:25:24 am »
During winter we give pheasants breakfast, a bit of soaked while barley. They stop coming in spring.
They must have a decent memory, because in autumn one turned up asking for breakfast.
We only have 4 regulars this year, I think there were 9 last year, but it's been mild, had 6 when there was snow about.
I think the females have cute faces, they make funny little squeaky noises when asking for food  :)
Dogs / Re: Introducing my dogs
« Last post by SallyintNorth on February 08, 2025, 09:49:36 am »

as for the spaying, I was never really for it in the first place but my Mrs wanted to avoid puppies....didn't work out that way.

Re: spaying, having had an unspayed bitch have repeated mammary tumours, some of them cancerous, cost me a ££££££ortune twice to have the cancerous ones removed (not to mention the worry), she then got a secondary tumour in her elbow and I chose to not amputate at her age so medicated for pain until it wasn't keeping her comfortable...   :'(  I would never ever keep a bitch unspayed again.  (Oh and she also had pyometra, so another op for that, and it did make her proper poorly, took her a while to get over that one.) 

Check with the vet, there is an age by which you need to get them spayed to reduce the likelihood of mammary tumours. 
Sheep / Re: Aircraft activity - can it stress sheep?
« Last post by SallyintNorth on February 08, 2025, 09:38:18 am »
Living within the circuit pattern of RAF Spadeadam, one became quite tuned into their regular schedules and what caused there to be out of the ordinary activity. 

October, international training, lots of activity, not all the pilots would know which areas to avoid (for livestock reasons.)

Many night flights, extra low level flights : there's the possibility there's going to be an active mission soon... 😳
Sheep / MOVED: polytunnel/sheep shed
« Last post by Dan on February 07, 2025, 02:46:15 pm »
Sheep / Re: Aircraft activity - can it stress sheep?
« Last post by Richmond on February 07, 2025, 08:40:22 am »
One of the downsides of living here is that it's a perfect training area for pilots (no mountains). They either pass overhead on their way to train over the North Sea, or they train over the land between the base and the sea. I'm guessing we are on a regular flight path. One day a week was acceptable but now it's become too frequent for my liking. Nice sunny days with blue skies tends to bring them out as well, a bit like tourists! It often happens that just as I go out for a quiet potter in the garden, out come the jets.
Sheep / Re: Aircraft activity - can it stress sheep?
« Last post by Backinwellies on February 07, 2025, 08:03:52 am »
  I dont know about the SE but here in Wales we have only experienced the dog fight stuff once recently  after dark .... quite scary for us humans! 20 mins of circling and so much noise! .... this was the USAF.
We often have daytime RAF jets fly over but they just appear and go.
Sheep / Re: Buying Lambs
« Last post by Backinwellies on February 07, 2025, 08:00:32 am »
Cade lambs from any commercial breed will be ready for slaughter at 4-6 months.
 We used to slaughter our  Llanwenog rare breed lambs in late Oct/Nov .... and sell direct (too small for commercial meat market) but very saleable.
 until we tasted Hogget ....  all now kept till 14-16 months for larger more tasty carcase.

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