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Author Topic: Twin does fighting - advice much appreciated.  (Read 1108 times)


  • Joined Aug 2015
Twin does fighting - advice much appreciated.
« on: March 14, 2017, 12:23:57 am »
Hi everyone,

We've got two Pygmy goat does, they're twin sisters and just over a year old. They usually get on famously but they seem to have had a big falling out. Over the weekend, one has constantly been barging the other one and we're now at a point where the other one is scared of her sister, runs away from her and won't go into the shed with her sister at night.

Could anyone advise what might have caused this and whether there is anything we can do to try and calm the situation down. They normally adore each other so it's horrible to see them like this.

The aggressive one has come into season several times over the past few months and whilst there are none of the usual signs of this, I wonder whether this behaviour could be hormone related.

We had to put the aggressive one in a really large dog cage last night to stop her from beating up her sister as I was concerned that someone was going to get hurt.

Would really appreciate any advice.

Many thanks


  • Joined Mar 2014
Re: Twin does fighting - advice much appreciated.
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2017, 07:52:58 am »
That's goats for you! They are just maturing, hormonal teenagers, sorting out who's in charge, they will settle down.Goats have a hierarchy structure in the herd. There is the herd matriarch who is dominant and bullies the rest of the herd. You can pen them separately at night or make a divide like a gate with hay rack either side so both can eat in peace. Outside there shouldn't' be a problem.


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