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Sheep / Re: Topping up lambs
« Last post by SallyintNorth on May 25, 2024, 04:30:53 pm »
Great spot, and well done for getting the vet promptly.  :fc: antibiotics will work and she'll be able to feed the lambs.  Don't overfill them if you bottle them - it'll help her clear the infection if they keep stripping her out, so keep them a little bit hungry until the infection is gone.  If they're still going short after that, then keep topping them up.  (You'll be able to do it in the field as they'll be running to you for their bottle by then.)
Introduce yourself / Help, I want to buy a farm but need advice
« Last post by Dan_smiff on May 25, 2024, 03:51:21 pm »
Hello everyone. Myself and my brother along with our spouse have a £500k deposit. The 4 of us currently work full time and would be able to carry that on for a while before the farm provides a salary supplement. Our deposit comes from 2 sets of parents that would want to live on the small holding in static caravans or granny annexes with my brother and myself renovating any farm house or permissible barn/outbuilding. We would want to be able to make an income from the land by a few different means, some agricultural like gourmet mushroom farming (I’m a keen amateur) and commercial as my brother is a carpenter and wants to have a large  workshop. We also have other income generating ideas like a shepherds hut for echo tourism, beehives, some flowers/plants and other veg for farmers markets. We would be looking for at least 20 acres in Dorset and after a brief chat with a mortgage advisor we’re given a rough estimate of £1.2m for a mixed use mortgage. What I’m asking is for people in the know to blast holes in the plan or say it’s a workable idea with all the possible permission likely. I’m hoping with the recent changes toward diversification of farm lands that a lot of what we want to do fits well as long as we have the right existing buildings
Sheep / Re: Topping up lambs
« Last post by Richmond on May 25, 2024, 12:58:34 pm »
The vet has been and diagnosed beginnings of mastitis. Gave antibiotic and anti inflammatory. Advised trying to strip milk from engorged side (he got a bit out and it was normal, not lumpy) and hopefully once medication kicks in the ewe will allow more suckling. If lambs still only feeding from one side tomorrow then to start bottle top ups.
Sheep / Re: Topping up lambs
« Last post by Richmond on May 25, 2024, 09:25:22 am »
Thank you both for your advice. Aiming to catch ewe shortly when I have an extra pair of hands to help.
Sheep / Re: Topping up lambs
« Last post by twizzel on May 25, 2024, 08:49:33 am »
Bring the ewe and lambs in to a pen, if it’s mastitis she needs antibiotics and pain relief from the vet today, this cannot wait until Tuesday. Either try to top both lambs up or my preference would be take a lamb away and leave her with 1 lamb to rear. Rear the other one on the bottle or sell it. Don’t breed from her again.
Sheep / Re: Topping up lambs
« Last post by shep53 on May 25, 2024, 08:47:49 am »
Catch the ewe and  turn her over , then feel the good teat with your thumb and finger it soft for the full length  and when squeezed will produce milk   , now try the teat they can't suck if your lucky then it maybe just a wax plug in the teat opening which you can force out with milk from behind the plug . If you are unlucky then the teat will.feel like there is a stick inside it , this is an old infection totally blocked , their maybe no milk in the quarter at all just old damaged tissue .  If the quarter is hard and swollen /hot / very dark pink and the milk is watery with lumps then this is a new infection and needs a VET NOW
Sheep / Topping up lambs
« Last post by Richmond on May 25, 2024, 08:23:20 am »
So, the ewe who gave birth to twins Monday seems to only be feeding them from one side. They try the other side but then turn away as if they are not getting anything. So they are competing for one teat. Not gaining much weight but still have energy to bounce about. So must be getting just enough to get by. The ewe lets them try and suckle from the side that doesn't appear to be producing milk so it's (to my mind) not uncomfortable for her, but I shall still call the vet on Tuesday (I have forgotten it's a bank holiday). Going to try and catch her later and see if it's just a blocked teat but I do realise it could be the start of mastitis. The ewe in herself appears well and has a good appetite. I am also going to buy some Lamlac this morning and try and top up the lambs in the field.
Any other suggestions?
Coffee Lounge / Lans in West Lothian and surrounds
« Last post by Protea on May 24, 2024, 09:39:16 am »
Hi everyone we are urgently searching for a place to rent, ideally in the West Lothian or the surrounding areas. Our situation is quite pressing, as we have rescued animals that depend on us. We currently have two static caravans and only two goats as livestock. We need a temporary place to stay while we work on securing a mortgage. Unfortunately, we can't stay where we are now, and we're feeling quite stuck. If anyone has a farm, land, any recommendations, or know anyone it would mean the world to us. Thank you so much in advance for your help!

Marketplace / Re: Land to rent West Lothian and surrounding
« Last post by Protea on May 24, 2024, 09:35:33 am »

Thank you, I'll try the coffee lounge as well. Didn't think about a poster but thanks that's that's a good idea as well, much appreciated.

Marketplace / Re: Land to rent West Lothian and surrounding
« Last post by cans on May 24, 2024, 07:46:57 am »
Good morning Protea,

To get wider coverage of your situation you could post in the "Coffee lounge" as it is a matter of urgency

Have you tried a poster in local livestock markets, farm supply shops?

I hope you find a solution soon 

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