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Author Topic: Farmers poetry  (Read 4362 times)


  • Joined Apr 2014
  • Mid Wales
  • Owner of 61 Mediterranean water buffaloes
Farmers poetry
« on: April 19, 2017, 01:54:56 pm »
I found this when on FB. This is by a poet called Jan millward

Have you ever been a farmer?

Have you ever gone out lambing in pyjamas and your wellies,
visited the bank man who didn't know that pigs were smelly.
have you ever picked the cow muck that had dried upon your face,
or checked the sheep to find that they had vanished without trace?

Have you ever run inside the house, left boots outside the door,
not noticing your socks were full of silage bits and straw.
have you ever slipped whilst chasing a heifer or a cow,
and cursed the living daylights as you land upon the plough.

have you ever straddled fences connected to the mains,
you scream and holler loudly but have only you to blame.
Have you ever tried to feed a calf that doesn't want to suck,
been butted, knocked and battered when it's not your day for luck.

Have you ever faced a heifer who won't come in the shed,
been kicked and it's not funny when they sh*t upon your head.
have you ever skinned your knuckles trying to mend the plough,
and hopped around the farm yard saying everything but “ow”.

Have you ever dropped your mobile whilst standing in warm slurry,
just when you need to ring the vet and you are in a hurry.
Have you ever got the tractor stuck a million miles from home,
had to climb the nearest hillside to get a signal on your phone.

Have you gone out for an evening and realised that your hands,
are ingrained black with oil and muck from working on the land.
there are many people out there who don't see what we do,
I'd like to get them out here and change their point of view!
the most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, loving concern.


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