Smallholders Insurance from Greenlands

Author Topic: For Sale: 1995 John Deere 6100a with a JD 640a Loader - just 1700 hours  (Read 1377 times)


  • Joined May 2015
Hello all,

I have a JD 6100a with a 640a loader with just 1700 hours on it for sale.

I bought it from the old owner of my farm when I bought the place but to be honest, its just too big for what I need and I only use it once every couple of months.

It has very low hours on it and was serviced last year (20 hours since then!) and I am about to put a new battery in it.

I am looking for a compact tractor with low hours (less than 3000) - preferably a Kubota - so would take part exchange.

Mine was valued by the local farm valuer at £14k - which is what I paid for it last year. It has done about 20 hours since then, so is still probably worth something like that.

Pls shout if anyone is interested. I will post some pictures in the next day or so.


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