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Sheep / Re: lump in castrated yearlings scrotum
« Last post by messyhoose on Today at 11:15:31 am »
update, well vet couldnt determine what it was by feel and said it would be VERY unlikely to be a testicle if a vet had done the procedure and also said he did not have the tools to investigate- as should it be a hernia or something we would then be in a sticky situation. So he remains with a lump and no surgery.
Also unable to determine fecundity (need a probe) or pregnnancy (dont have portable ultra sound) so i have raddled the lamb to see if he has any humping tendencies but basically this will be ANOTHER one of those years where i catastrophise about what could happen... hohum
I’d try the agricultural land agents.  (Kivells for one, covers most of the south west, but there’ll be local agencies across the regions.  Eg., Nancekivell for Exmoor.)  They’ll be handling farm tenancies etc., and would be most likely to be handling any smallholding lettings. And check with the county councils if they have any county smallholdings or small farms they let out, and where they advertise when they do.
Wildlife / Re: Swallows '24
« Last post by sabrina on Today at 12:15:35 am »
We have none at the moment which is very late.
Coffee Lounge / Swollen gums / lip. 3 week lamb
« Last post by patrickr on May 06, 2024, 10:03:33 pm »


I have a 3 week old ram lamb (Shetland) with what looks like a swollen lip or swollen gums.  He's showing 2 teeth.  I'm wondering what this might be?  I'm hoping not orf.  Could it be anything to do with teething?  Or a sting?  No other lambs showing similar symptoms at the moment.


Sheep / lump in castrated yearlings scrotum
« Last post by messyhoose on May 06, 2024, 07:57:31 pm »
so, co-incidentally a vet is actually coming to the island tomorrow so i will know for sure then but 2 days ago i discovered a lump in the right hand side of the scrotum of my pet vet-castrated ram lamb.
His behaviour the last few days has been much more attention seeking and wanting to sleep next to me (he'e been out with flock and independent since the autumn)
A few weeks ago he had been one of the ones chasing my elderly ewe, if you remember, and at the time i just put it down to the weather improving and the youngsters playing up
But a few days ago i saw him lip curling and then i found the lump and im 1) concerned that he is ok but now also 2) worried i may have a bunch of pregnant sheep none of who are in a condition to be pregnant (all too fat)!!!
Anyone had an issue with a veterinary castration not going as it should before....?
Im thinking im going to have to request abortion injections again, dont know if vet can tell if ewes are early pregnant without an ultrasound monitor....?
Wildlife / Re: Swallows '24
« Last post by doganjo on May 06, 2024, 04:40:16 pm »
Saw a whole bunch of swallows at our Secure Dog Park on Saturday.  Hope they realise it's not summer in Central Scotland yet  :excited:
Announcements / New diary post: Calves / Catmint / Tree rescues
« Last post by TAS Bot on May 06, 2024, 11:48:51 am »
A new TAS diary entry has been posted: Calves / Catmint / Tree rescues
Sheep / Re: struggling triplet - rearing a single bottle lamb?
« Last post by Fleecewife on May 06, 2024, 12:25:11 am »
I'm glad he's starting to pick up.  A little lamb bounce - lovely  :hugsheep:
Wildlife / Re: Swallows '24
« Last post by philcaegrug on May 05, 2024, 06:55:24 pm »
Our pair have been back a couple of days. Hopefully better luck than last year when the magpie had their chicks.
Sheep / Re: struggling triplet - rearing a single bottle lamb?
« Last post by vegpatch on May 05, 2024, 03:18:43 pm »
Thanks Fleecewife - that's encouraging.  I've modified my plan slightly - lamb is still with mum and sibs inside, keeping the ewe who's lambed most recently company. He rallied amazingly yesterday (post antibiotics for pneumonia), is feeding very frequently and mum is now talking to him and nuzzling him again.  I'm still trying to top him up and today he finally sucked from the bottle - not much but something.  He even tried a little lamb bounce and is interacting with, and sleeping with, his sibs again.  So, I'll keep them all in a little bit longer than planned and keep up with the top ups. Fingers crossed he gets it soon so they can all go out.

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