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Author Topic: Soay Ewe's to move - North Yorkshire urgent land needed short or long term  (Read 1845 times)


  • Joined Apr 2015
Wanted short to long term rent for some land to put the sheep on and to the tup.
We have four Soay ewes but plan for many more, we have been unsuccessful finding our own field so far. They are on a friends field but we can not have the tup there. We would like to put them to a tup this year.
If you have a regsitered ram that would be great, but they would have to be with you on your land for the six weeks. We are willing to pay b&b if you have a tup.
If you have land and no ram then we do have access to one.  We will pay for the rent of the land for the short or long term while they do their thing.
We have our own transport.
Can anyone help, Michelle & Pete - we are in North Yorkshire, between Easingwold and Thirsk.
Please email  -


  • Joined Aug 2014
email me more details about time frames - and what the plans are - as I may have some space spare near wetherby down the A1 from you for 6-10 weeks in autumn, however I wouldnt want to be stuck with them any longer than that


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