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Author Topic: The things You Learn  (Read 1780 times)


  • Joined Nov 2008
The things You Learn
« on: June 12, 2013, 11:03:26 am »
Speaking to my brother this morning who is going through treatment for kidney failure. His life is very difficult just now so I make a point of phoning him every day. this morning he was talking about when he left school he did training for 2 years to be a butcher. His morning started at 5am and he finished around 630pm. the evening was when all the shop was scrubbed for the next morning. On a Wednesday he spent the day at the slaughter house learning how to kill the animals. At 15 years old this must have been a hard job. he was taught all butchering skills and how to kill, clean and present poultry in the shop. At 17 he went into the army. What is needed is for more trades for school leavers who do not want to go to university. Jobs are so hard to get these days and shops are closing every day. The young need to get into a work routine not the hand out one so they can have some self respect.


  • Joined Jan 2012
Re: The things You Learn
« Reply #1 on: June 12, 2013, 12:32:59 pm »
I have been stunned at how many men my age...around 60, come up to work in the power station as there are no  young people skilled in the trades due to  not taking on apprentices, that's appalling, the issue now is there is a huge gap in the skills market, that's why so many jobs cannot be filled,  half the men I see here are not as fit as me :notwell: , in fact, one went back home due to being too ill, I had to nurse him for the day and get the local Dr out....(possibly too much pop)
Another issue re jobs and young people is the fact that the building trade etc used to be for the less academic people in life, they had other practical skills but now, even bricklayers have to have much more theory and written skills, its stupid as sometimes the more practical people are not given a chance.
A lot of the small firms that did take on apprenticeship's, cannot afford the time or the effort, that's whats so needed, also a lot of  young people are not happy to get paid a very low wage while they are learning...the government need to help young people get back into the work force and learn to value practical skills as much as academic ones!!! :rant:


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