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Author Topic: more bantam chicks hatched  (Read 3436 times)


  • Joined May 2009
  • Peak District
more bantam chicks hatched
« on: June 29, 2010, 08:45:38 pm »
One of the white bantams persisted in sitting on top of a cat carrier, balanced precariously.  Got fed up of seeing her sitting clucking, so gave her 7 mixed bantam eggs and popped her in the carrier.  Forgot when they went in, so was not sure when to expect any hatch.  Last few days she has not come off the nest, but yesterday she was out and about, and when I checked the eggs, they were stone cold.  Thought she knew they were rotten and had given up.  But she returned and took up her position again.  And this morning there was cheeping.  5 out of 7 again.  So, thats two 5 out of 7, one 6 out of 7 and 1 out of 2.

Think I will not sit any more now, lots of chicks all round the place!!  Although have three silkies all broody now as well.

little blue

  • Joined Jun 2009
  • Derbyshire
Re: more bantam chicks hatched
« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2010, 09:07:16 pm »
.... mum knows best!!
Little Blue


  • Joined May 2009
  • Peak District
Re: more bantam chicks hatched
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2010, 12:37:23 am »
yes, little blue, I always give the broody hen the benefit of the doubt, and leave the eggs a little longer if she is still sitting tight.  They hear the chicks, and sense some movement a few days before.  They deserve some chicks after sitting there all that time!!


  • Joined Jan 2009
Re: more bantam chicks hatched
« Reply #3 on: June 30, 2010, 10:34:05 am »
One of my hens went missing - we discovered her sitting on 16 eggs in a nearby hedge. 8 have hatched and they are lovely. We also have another 2 hens sitting on eggs. One has been sitting for at least three and a half weeks so I think the eggs are not fertile. Same with the other one but I did swap 4 eggs nearly 3 weeks ago so I hope we may have some more chicks soon (not too many I hope). A few of our hens have died recently so we will keep the hens and think we have a few neighbours who want cockerells.


  • Joined May 2009
  • Peak District
Re: more bantam chicks hatched
« Reply #4 on: July 02, 2010, 03:53:57 pm »
I am really upset today. Got in from work at lunchtime, to find only 3 chicks with mum in the run.  Two must have squeezed out somehow, under the run, although its close to the ground, and one of my farm cats has eaten them.  Worst of it is, one was a lovely striped colour.  I bet they were two pullets as well!  Oh well, its happened, and no good dwelling on it.

little blue

  • Joined Jun 2009
  • Derbyshire
Re: more bantam chicks hatched
« Reply #5 on: July 02, 2010, 08:36:54 pm »
Little Blue


  • Joined May 2009
  • Peak District
Re: more bantam chicks hatched
« Reply #6 on: July 03, 2010, 12:29:35 am »
Oh no, one from the other hatch (bigger and older) had gone tonight.  I am not sure if its one of the cats, or the sparrow hawk.  I have seen him today, trying to get at the crows nests, but they are chasing him off.  Chicks will all have to stay in their run now for their own safety.


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