Hi, we have numerous rabbits.
number of years ago we started by feeding a royale mix which has flower heads in etc because we wanted to give then interesting and varied diet but found we were not getting the gains we needed plus it was becoming a very expensive hobby even with cuttings and hay etc added to the diet. Rabbits by nature they are very picky and will select their favourite bits - just imagine placing a huge buffet in front of you each day... you will select the yummy bits each time. These wont necessarily be the best things.
We were forced to change to a pellet when we were unable to obtain feed one month from suppliers. This taught us a couple of big lessons. Firstly the the suddent change in diet caused digestive problems in many of the baby rabbits and we lost a good deal of stock ( most upsetting). Secondly once they had settled into the new regime they put on growth a a steady constant and we could plan our diary on projected weight outcomes so much better.
As a general rule of thumb our large rabbits are fed pellet twice a day. They are given hay continuously- always as much as they can eat. We picked up some little hey mangers from the internet but these were too small for the amount of hay i wanted to feed, ( little diy magic and i have continuous feeders now) also 2 of the kitten tried jumping up into them and caught their legs in them- most distressing. Good quality hay has all the herbage etc that they need... they look better for it, coat is silkier and all look forwad to the mangers being replenished. They get a good handful of extras - dandelion, nettle tops ( if you can save yourself from making soup etc lol), the occasional carrot or apple chopped.
the hay is the most important thing here and should be as best quality as you can obtain... they need course and long fiber to maintain a healthy digestive tract.
Water is a constant.. especially when feeding hay and pellet as moisture content of the food is at a minimum.
I will also place the occasional mineral lick in - mainly for does who are kindling and with the buck i am keeping in breeding shape.
Does with kittens i will feed constant, as her milk is 10 x that of cows milk and will only feed as a rule twice a day she needs the calories.. a large carrot a day increases her milk.
Your stud buck should have his feed pellet reduced a little to keep him fit and lean.. hay as a constant again... you will have to gauge this on your rabbit.. an active buck will obviously need a little more. if he is over weight he will not be fit to do the job..
Supplementary to this i will also cut good sized pieces off branches of hazel or apple tree and sit them in shed to dry for a while then place them into runs.. they love to gnaw these, it keeps teeth and digestive tract health plus gives them something to play with. Am sure they will also get a mineral benefit from this too. It is a little noisy but lovely to watch them at play.
Just realised i have rattled on lol sorry. only to glad to help if there are more questions