One of my peafowl was looking a bit off colour today, so I mixed up some chilli pepper with their food. This is an effective antibacterial and usually sorts them out. I added it to the hens' food as well just in case there was anything going round.
Then a rat ran across the run.
I don't normally see rats in daylight, and I don't leave feed out at night. So I'm then thinking of a way, short of buying an expensive treadle feeder, of how to leave feed out during the day, but at the same time stop the rats eating it.
Then it occurred to me that whereas birds are immune to the effects of hot pepper, humans and dogs are very aware of them. So would rats also be averse to eating ad lib pepper? I googled it and apparently rats and mice will not willingly eat chilli pepper!
. So, I've sprinkled red pepper on all the birds' feed. I'm going to leave some out overnight and see if it's still there in the morning.
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