Have been sent the link to a free trial of Select Sheepware to play with (We saw it demo'd at the Athenry Sheep event in the Summer) although don't currently have any sheep (!)
Does anyone else use this program or another for recording sheep information - this one lets me do all sorts including default birth weights, recording lambing information including delivery and if the lamb was on mum, bottled or fostered (and a box for foster ewe's tag number), tagging and retagging information for each sheep, the option to track weights from birth to sale and my personal favourite, the option to record a "cupboard" of medicines you use including expiry and batch number, then corresponding options to record doses on sheep pages - either as a group for worming or individually if a problem etc.
I also believe from the demo this can be linked to a EID reader either in wand form, or in a race which then can be manually updated with a smart phone or automatically update info like weight, or can be used with a gate to automatically sort specific numbered sheep out from the rest.
I know you can do all this for much cheaper with a notebook but the techy in me likes the idea - I just wondered if there is a better/different one to look at too?