Hi, If anyone has had bother with regrowth after disbudding (and unfortunately it can occasionally happen, even with the most up-to-date veterinary advice and equipment- goats are trickier than other animals) it is worth seeing if your vet is aware that the Goat Veterinary Society have produced some special materials for vets on the latest knowledge regarding disbudding in goats.
It's not well publicised so it's not uncommon for most vets to be unaware that this resource is available from the Goat Vet Society - so many species to treat, so little time! But hope this helps. Sometimes it is a case of needing to change the diameter of the disbudding iron for different types of goats, etc. The Goat Vet Society are a brilliant resource for vets as there is not a whole lot of other sources of information out there - I highly recommend them (I'm a member and found it really worthwhile)