I also want to get started with bees, but it's not easy getting some.
I attended (with my daughter) a bee keeping course at Auchencruive College near Ayr, Summer 2008. I built a "bee garden" and got a couple of National hives, then came to an arrangement with a local beekeeper to buy a couple of nucs (bee starter colonies).
Unfortunately in Spring my local beekeeper found that out of six hives, only one was viable after the Winter, so he spent all Summer building up his own colonies. Hopefully he'll be able to spare a couple of nucs next April. He's not a beginner - he's an official on the Scottish Beekeeping Society, so was all the more surprised & upset to lose most of his bees without any obvious cause.
We need to do all we can to help bees & try and stop the decline in numbers. I had thought it would be safer & more reliable to obtain local Scottish bees rather than imported mail order bees.