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Author Topic: Jerusalem artichokes - feed for sheep?  (Read 1890 times)


  • Joined Dec 2011
Jerusalem artichokes - feed for sheep?
« on: May 26, 2013, 01:49:05 pm »
Been away from the forum for a while (family illness, too much to do..........................etc., etc.!) but, the sun is shining today and no blessed cold wind to cut us in two..............

OK, question................ does anyone feed Jerusalem Artichokes to their sheep?

I know pigs (usually) eat them and they're fine for rabbits and chickens......................
I was given two the size of cricket balls last autumn - MoH and I can't eat them because we can't digest them properly (although I've been told that long slow cooking will resolve this problem!) - so I cut them into 3 and planted them in pots. They've been frozen solid at times............ but, I have 6 plants growing away strongly and I need to plant them out. Where I plant them out depends on whether they will be good for sheep to eat!

Anybody had experience of sheep and J.A. please?

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