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Author Topic: Dog wisperer!!!!  (Read 5919 times)


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Dog wisperer!!!!
« on: July 19, 2009, 03:02:16 pm »
I really really really wanted to go to see the Dog Wisperer but had to stay and cook breakfast and remake th e beds!!!!!!!!! well, I am having a nice day here with my OH and got to clean the dogs covers!!!!! Anyone that went post me some interesting stuff.....PLEASE!!!!!


  • Joined Jul 2009
Re: Dog wisperer!!!!
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2009, 03:05:31 pm »
well you made your bed!!    only joking.. :&>


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Re: Dog wisperer!!!!
« Reply #2 on: July 19, 2009, 03:14:19 pm »
I would like to lye in it today as I am a bit tired!!!! ;)That does not make sense but I mean I made the rooms nice so would not like to mess them up by lying in the beds....we have 5 bedrooms that we let out and we have not slept in any!!!!


  • Joined Oct 2007
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Re: Dog wisperer!!!!
« Reply #3 on: July 19, 2009, 08:49:42 pm »
Sorry to rub it in, but it was great. Julie and Bob are the real deal. They have 18 working border collies from 8 weeks to 11 years. They demonstrated from starting a young dog of 6/7 months to complex tasks at international trial standard. Both Julie and Bob have been International Champions and do clinics and workshops all over the world.

At the end they were working with five dogs, a big group of ewes and lambs over two field with a burn running down the boundary between them and were driving, shedding and penning sheep. And never a shout in nager was uttered. It was breathtaking; the dogs were fabulous and obvioulsy thrive on what they are doing.

The hardest bit for me was watching not what the dog was doing, but what Julie and Bob were doing - it looks like the dogs are doing it them selves but there is such a lot of skill and tiem and commitment goes into making it look like that.

Their methods are based on using a dog's natural behaviour to train it and it seems to work.

All of us there have dogs - and they're all perfect except...

Julie was able to give us some pointers on how to deal with less than perfect behaviour in our dogs, which is almost always our fault. So our Tess is in for a bit of a shock!


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Re: Dog wisperer!!!!
« Reply #4 on: July 19, 2009, 08:57:20 pm »
Never mind, I have had a very restful day, been on here most of it!!!!!!!!!


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Re: Dog wisperer!!!!
« Reply #5 on: July 19, 2009, 10:42:13 pm »
Pity you couldn't come, Sandy.  As Rosemary said it was unbelievable.  We got such a lot of help and advice for our own dogs too - and Allez has had his shock already!  Hoping to get those panels from my cousin next week then I'll have my training circle set up too.
Always have been, always will be, a WYSIWYG - black is black, white is white - no grey in my life! But I'm mellowing in my old age


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